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System Shock 2
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Welcome to Trioptimum

After a short intro you are presented with a standard main screen.
Configure the game's settings to your hearts content and you're ready to start. When you start a new game you must choose a difficulty mode. Choose 'Easy' for a normal challenge, choose 'Difficult' and you're likely to sweat :) Your career starts on Earth. You are provided with some training facilities to see how the different abilities used throughout the game work.
It's up to you to use them or not. After the training (or not :] ) it's into the game properly. As I mentioned before the SS games are very much based on character development and this is the first point where this is made clear.
As a newly assigned operative you must choose a career path : join the Navy, the Marines or the OSA. This career choice affects your initial abilities and will ultimately determine the way you handle problems on board the Von Braun. After this you will serve for 4 years on assignments of your choice. This is merely a way of further enhancing your character and letting you choose which abilities you want your character to have. After that you are an officially assigned member of the Von Braun expedition. Good luck, Private !

Another animated sequence gives you an update on the situation after receiving the distress signal from the Tau Ceti system. Oh boy ... it looks rather messy. This is the beginning of a very long and difficult journey ! I will tell no more about the story, but believe me ... it is full of twists and turns and things will not always go as you thought they would.


Shall we play a game, hacker?

System Shock 2 is a 3D game, so if you're familiar with this type of game you're not likely to have any trouble with the controls. However there is more to this game than just controls and knowing how to kill your enemy.

SS2 has a complex RPG engine underneath and you know what that means folks ! Yep ! Lots of fiddling with experience points and inventory screens, reading millions of data logs and listening to countless voice messages :) This can be a first sign of things to come, so if you don't like reading I suggest you buy another game. Are you however prepared to work your way into the story ... then read on !

An important aspect of System Shock 2 is the constant enhancement of your stats. There are a lot of skills you can develop, but is wise to specialize in a few. Choose between:
- Technical abilities like hacking, repairing, modifying, maintaining and researching,

- Psychological powers like pyrokinesis ; there are a massive 35 PSI Powers in this game,

- Combat Skills : distribute weaponskills among standard, energy, heavy and exotic weaponry
However this is not all. As you are a cybernetic organism you can update yourself through the use of a cyber-interface and cybermodules. The cybermodules are used to update your skills at training facilities spread onboard the starship. There are facilities for the 3 major skills and your own statistics.
A skill update costs modules and the higher the skill level the more modules are required to get it.
Resource management is expanded through the use of nanites. Nanites can be considered as the 'money' in the game and are needed to buy everything from food to weapons. They are also used as a powersource for special actions like hacking and repairing items.
The nanites are scattered throughout the playworld and can usually be found on the corpses of the ship's crew. There are several other ways to enhance your character, but I think it's clear now so I will not discuss them further :-)

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