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The Preview Section
Welcome to this section. Here we will try to Preview the lastest games before they are available at your local store. This is a very excellent source for you, the Gamer, because here you will see the product before its initial release. This means that all our Previews are based on non-final versions. In other words, we often receive alphas or beta builds from our friends @ the Software Houses. These 'builds' or whatever you may call them are simply versions of the game in a very early stage. It still has bugs and other (minor) inconveniences and normally these 'things' will be all fixed when the Retail version of the game is available. However, most of time ... retail games need patches and updates because none of them are truly bugfree. However, for us, the (p)reviewers and for you, the gamer who buys games, previews are necessary as they contain a lot of pre-information before you'll buy and play the game.
So, if you are from any Software developing or publishing firm and you want that PlayDevil previews your software in-depth, please do not hesitate to contact us on the following e-mail address: info@playdevil.com. Any contributions are welcome and our professional preview team will test your product(s) on several specifications with the latest hardware.
What more do we need to say? Nothing really, just enjoy reading our Previews. Oh yes, we suggest that when the Retail has showed up at your local store, please get in-depth with us in our Reviews Section.
The PlayDevil crew
PlayDevil.com recieves frequently beta's or alpha's from our friends at the several Software publishers and/or distributors. Right now, the following games are here in our office, ready to preview:
- Theme Park Inc.!
This is our Preview Archive. In this database you'll find every Preview, starting from January '99, that PlayDevil ever did. These are all ranked alphabetically so it will be a lot easier for you if you need a specific game. You just have to know what the 'first letter' is of the Preview that you are after, scroll down and ... bingo. That's very easy if you ask me. The date that is displayed next to each preview, is the date that the preview was posted here. It may help you to see when we 'actually' previewed that particular game. Dates are posted with the "day/month/year" format.
- Carmageddon: The Death Race 2000 (12/10/99)
- Rally Championship (18/08/99)
- Unreal Tournament (7/05/99)
- Amen: The Awakening (28/04/99)
- Sports Car GT (15/04/99)
- Earth Worm Jim 3D Part II (4/04/99)
- Earth Worm Jim 3D (1/04/99)
- Kanaan (28/02/99)
- Rayman 2: The Great Escape (18/02/99)
- Daikatana (25/01/99)
- Anachronox (12/01/99)
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