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Want to know exactly when your favourite game is @ your store?
Well don't look any further because this section, the one we call 'Game Releases' is a very reliable list of the releases dates of those good-looking upcoming games. Almost every game title that will come out this year and next year is here included. We have worked hard to make the list as reliable as possible. However, as a true hard-core gamer, you're also aware that 'sometimes' (and it happens more and more these days), game developers and publishers will delay the game that you want! This is not on purpose but sometimes the deadline can't be reached due other circumstances or they switch to another game-engine. But don't worry ... the game will come out eventually and we are here to give you a better look on "what's coming". We are constantly receiving updated dates from our sources so this page will be updated as soon as we got new dates for existing or new games. Most of our sources are people that are working with game publishers/developers so it's pretty reliable information!
Please note that most of these dates that are listed here are "European dates". We don't have any foreign dates other than from Europe but if you are living in the U.S. for example, most of these games will come out weeks or month(s) earlier than the European version. We hope that this large list will help you wait a bit until your favourite game is available @ your local game shop.
The PlayDevil crew
"last updated on 29 December 2000"
Out NOW!
B-17 Flying Fortress 2 Colin McRae Rally 2.0 Giants: Citizen Kabuto Hitman: Codename 47 Insane Project I.G.I Quake III: Team Arena Rune Sacrifice Sea Dogs Sheep Starship Stroopers Sudden Strike Tombraider 5: Chronicles
1st Quarter 2001
Arcatera Black & White Blade Demolition Racer Experience Frontier Land Hostile Waters Incoming Forces Infantry Insider, The Invictus Iron Strategy Neverwinter Nights New Worlds No Fear: Downhill Mountain Biking Offroad Oni Orcs Real Never Ending Story Saboteur SolarSteel Rebellion Stupid Invaders Swords & Sorcery: Come Devils, Come Darkness Tanktics Tartan Army Techno Mage Test Drive Cycles Theocracy Traffic Giant Treadmarks Unification Veiled Threat Warmonkeys Werewolf: The Apocalypse Zax Z 2
2nd Quarter 2001
Anno 1503 Civilization 2 Commandos 2 Destroyer Command Freelancer Halo Loose Cannon Max Payne O.R.B. RockStorm Summoner Team Fortress 2 X-COM: Alliance
2nd Quarter 2001
Arcanum Battle Isle 4: Children of Haris Dreamland Duke Nukem Forever Dungeon Siege Galleon Hidden & Dangerous 2 Homeworld 2 Pool of Radiance: The Ruins of Myth Drannor Renegade Republic: The Revolution Settlers 4 Time Machine, The Titanium Angels Warcraft
3 Unreal 2
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