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You can send all your Cheats & Hints to cheats@playdevil.com
Cheating ... the best way to survive?
You have probably already done that once in your lifetime. Or probably more.
The truth is that when levels/stages of a splendid game are too difficult to pass or if you need all the weapons, items, special forces, etc ... of one particulary game you basically need a good Cheat. One that is working. Well, you have come to the right place because this is our own Cheat and Hints Section @ PlayDevil.com!
All cheats are ranked alphabetically so it will be a lot easier for you to find that cheat or hint.
If you have a Cheat/Hint that we don't have in our huge Cheats & Hints database or if you're searching for one that isn't yet listed here ... just drop us an e-mail on the above address and we'll do our best to publish it as quickly as possible. Now, act like a Devil and use our devilish Cheats & Hints, while you can!
The PlayDevil crew
Some of the Cheats listed here must be entered with a Qwerty keyboard
Any problems and/or suggestions are always appreciated on webmaster@playdevil.com
Nothing of this entire Site, animation & logo's included, may be reproduced, stored, saved, transmitted, in any form or means, electronic, written or otherwise without the prior permission of PlayDevil. Other Logos & Names are Copyrighted Material of its respectful owners. The PlayDevil Logo is a TM and © of PlayDevil Productions. All Rights Reserved. PlayDevil Productions © 199/8-199/9-200/0 "rip your own stuff"