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Why do we need ScreenShots?
Welcome to our ScreenShots section here @ PlayDevil.com. Here we will display very good looking, lets say, screenshots with eye-candy of upcoming games. Some of them will be exclusive for us while others are straight coming from our reliable sources. We are working with a lot of people in the business, people from developing firms, software publishers, press firms, ... Of course when we have the latest beta build or alpha from a particular game, you can be sure that we'll be taking some shots and they will be published right here. Our goal is to make sure that you know what to expect from a game. Of course, putting screenshots online has its disadvantages since they can make the game so good looking but graphics ain't everything ... it is the gameplay that really matters.
Perhaps you are working with a software developer or publisher and you have access to the in-house screenshots section (oh boy :)) well ... give us a hand and send them to this e-mail address screenshots@playdevil.com. We will appreciate it a lot and so will our visitors.
The PlayDevil crew
- The Real Neverending Story
- Breakneck from "SouthPeak Interactive"
- Empire of the Ants from "Micrïods"
- Euro 2000: In-Game (18/05/2000)
- Euro 2000: High Rendered Teams (14/05/2000)
- Need For Speed: Porsche Unleashed (05/04/2000)
- F1 2000 (21/03/2000)
- Tiberian Sun: Firestorm (14/02/2000)
- Rayman 2: The Great Escape (17/11/99)
- Outcast Part II (1/10/99)
- Silver (6/08/99)
- Outcast (5/07/99)
- Hype: The Time Quest (21/04/99)
- Sports Car GT (13/04/99)
- Daikatana (8/04/99)
- Railroad Tycoon II: Second Century (7/04/99)
- Babylon 5 (25/02/99)
- Diablo 2 (22/02/99)
Any problems and/or suggestions are always appreciated on webmaster@playdevil.com
Last Updated on 21 March 2000
Nothing of this entire Site, animation & logo's included, may be reproduced, stored, saved, transmitted, in any form or means, electronic, written or otherwise without the prior permission of PlayDevil. Other Logos & Names are Copyrighted Material of its respectful owners. All Rights Reserved. PlayDevil Productions © 199/8-199/9-200/0 "rip your own stuff"