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Hey, you got some Hot 'n Spicy Gamin' News? Share it with everyone and e-mail your stuff to news@playdevil.com
<% call DisplayNewsSubjects( 15,"", Search) %>
We are having some technical difficulties with the server and are experience database problems. Now we have moved the website to a temporary server until everything works again. As you can see, the news script and database are offline which means we'll not be able to post any news. However we are working hard to fix everything so please bare with us for a couple of days.
Our e-mail server is working, so if you have send us e-mail, we got it!
Thanks again for coming back and we all hope that everything will be fixed real soon!
PlayDevil.com Crew.
Any problems and/or suggestions are always appreciated on webmaster@playdevil.com
Nothing of this entire Site, animation & logo's included, may be reproduced, stored, saved, transmitted, in any form or means, electronic, written or otherwise without the prior permission of PlayDevil. Other Logos & Names are Copyrighted Material of its respectful owners. All Rights Reserved. PlayDevil Productions © 199/8-199/9-200/0 "rip your own stuff"