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The Hot 'n Spicy Interviews
We have added an entire new section to PlayDevil.com called "Interviews Q&A". On this page, we will interview some of the biggest names in the game community. They will eat 'fire' when they answer our 'devilish' questions about stuff that we all want to know.
We'll give you more inside-info that you can handle when we talk with "them" about the latest games, development updates, new technologies, special hardware talk and so on ... People that are daily involved with the game-industry will be answering OUR 'hot 'n spicy' questions and tech talk. Sometimes we will be talking about 'exclusive' things with Hardware manufacturers/designers/engineers/.... Hot 'n Spicy Game and Hardware Interviews. What more does a gamer need? Right, our Devilish Interviews.
The PlayDevil crew
Of course a 'coming soon' in this section couldn't be left out. We are now preparing a new hot 'n spicy Q&A Interview for the following people:
- American McGee and Producer R.J. Berg on American McGee's Alice
-- Stuart Whyte on Theme Park Inc.
This is our entire 'Hot 'n Spicy Interview' Archive. All these interviews are ranked alphabetically and are ready for you to read. More and more interviews will be placed here as soon as new interviews gets published.
- Paul Oakenfold (Top DJ. Music for EA Sports' Euro 2000) (21/05/2000)
- Paul Butterfield (Ex-Public Relations) of Monolith
- Jullian Widdows (Product Manager) of Rage Software
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