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Get in Touch with PlayDevil.com
There are several ways to Contact us. It all depends on what you really want. We have displayed all the e-mail addresses that are available through PlayDevil so it will be a lot easier for you to know where to send it.
Please use to right link to send e-mail. Messages that are transferred to the wrong link could be left unanswered. We can't guarantee any answer if the appropriate message is send to the wrong link. That's why we made these several e-mail addresses so simple.
Any message that is transferred to the right address will be answered as soon as possible. Probably the same day.
The Webmaster, the one that masters "PlayDevil.com". If you have a suggestion about something specific or for the site in general ... send it in. If you have a comment or problem , don't worry, just send it to our humble Webmaster. He will take care of it very fast otherwise he's a dead man. And please, don't ask him for any personal info. :)
Well, Bjorn is really the big chief around here. The one behind "PlayDevil.com". He raised it from the ground and that's why he is called the 'Chief-Editor'. Nothing gets published without his permission and he may be hard, but in fact he's really a nice chap. Software-, Hardware developers and publishers, please get in touch with him if you want to make some deal or if you want to send samples. He will provide you with any info that you may need. Please don't e-mail him with crappy messages because none of them will be answered. And like our humble Webmaster, Bjorn won't send you any naked pictures from himself, girlfriend or even his black adorable cat. :)
If there is something that you would like to ask us but it ain't news, links, cheats ... then this link is what you need. If you want any game- or site related information about something just send us your message. Every message will be answered as quickly as possible.
This is the e-mail link where you can send any, and we do repeat ANY news to that has something to do with games in general. That also mean 'game utilities', 'hardware', any 'accessories' or anything else that may be useful to any gamer that reads it. Of course, credits will be all yours if you send us something that was just released.
Aha, this e-mail address can only be used if you have a cheat for us or if you need one. The Cheats & Hints Section is frequently updated but there can always be a cheat or hint that isn't included. We would appreciate it a lot if you would share us your Cheats/Hints and of course credits will be all yours. Or if you need a cheat for a particular game but you don't find it @ PlayDevil.com ... don't worry, just send us a message and we will try to find it as quickly as possible.
If you have your own gaming site and it offers something really good, feel free to send us your link. If the site is any good, we will post your site in our Links Section. Software houses and Hardware manufacturers, you may also send us your link to the same e-mail address. It is quite impossible to include everyone but when we receive something that is good, it will always be published. Oh yes, perhaps you can include PlayDevil.com also in your links! We would appreciate it a lot.
Any problems and/or suggestions are always appreciated on webmaster@playdevil.com
Nothing of this entire Site, animation & logo's included, may be reproduced, stored, saved, transmitted, in any form or means, electronic, written or otherwise without the prior permission of PlayDevil. Other Logos & Names are Copyrighted Material of its respectful owners. All Rights Reserved. PlayDevil Productions © 199/8-199/9 "rip your own stuff"