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The Best Links in Town @ PlayDevil.com
Welcome to our devilish Links section right here @ PlayDevil.com. Only the sites that are contributing something useful to the gamer and are updated frequently will be placed here. Sites that aren't updated very frequently won't be published here in our Links section because 'fresh information' is what YOU need. We have created several sections here to make your search very simple.
If you own a game website or you know a good link, please let us know and if it is any good ... we'll put it right here where our visitors will taste it. It would be nice that when your site is linked here, you would do the same for PlayDevil.com. Use our full URL or put a link to the button that is on your right. You can send your links to this e-mail address links@playdevil.com. You'll receive an e-mail if we get the green light for publishing your link/site. Enjoy these sweet links!
The PlayDevil crew
These are the companies that are developing (making) games. Some of them also publish their own titles (for example, Ubi Soft). Of course there might be some developers that we forgot to include in this list. If you know one that isn't listed, we would appreciate it if you send us an e-mail. Thanks in advance and hopefully by visiting these links, you'll know who is really 'behind' that game.
3D Realms Entertainment
Blizzard Entertainment
Blue Byte Software
Deibus Software
Dream Works Interactive
Crystal Dynamics
Electronic Arts
Epic Megagames
Id Software
Insomnia Entertainment
Jane's Combat Simulations
LionHead Studios
Midway Games Inc
Novalogic Inc
Parallax Software
Probe Entertainment Psygnosis
Raven Software
Sega PC Sierra
Strategic Simulations Inc.
Team 17 Software Ltd.
Ubi Soft
Virgin Interactive Entertainment
Westwood Entertainment
You can't really say that you would be able to play your favourite game if there wasn't a 'Game Publisher'. Right, these companies specializes themselves in publishing games that were made by Game Developers. Easy right?
Eidos Interactive
GT Interactive
Take 2 Interactive
If you have a very informative game website, send us your details to links@playdevil.com. If it's any good, we will post your site right here. Don't forget to include PlayDevil.com on your Links Page!
Creative Labs
Guillemot Belgium
Guillemot International Microsoft
These are links that PlayDevil.com has visited and they are all certified with 'the best daily news site in town'. With these you can't go wrong. The webmasters over there are good friends and some of them are indeed 'wicked' :). Oh, don't forget to come back ... to PlayDevil.com. We don't wanna lose you! ;)
All Games Network
Barry's World
Planet Riva
Speedy 3D
Any problems and/or suggestions are always appreciated on webmaster@playdevil.com
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