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Seven Kingdoms II The Fryhtan Wars
Developer: Enlight Software
Publisher: Ubi Soft Category: Real Time Strategy System Req: P166, 32mb Ram, Win95/98
Might look like: ? Date posted: 18 December '99 Written By: Stijn
- This game was tested on Athlon 600, 128MB RAM, Guillemot 3D Prophet, Win98 -
A little Introduction
In the winter of ‘97 – ’98 Seven Kingdoms was released and the game had to compete with Age of Empires and some other RTS titles. Mostly because of the huge success of Age of Empires, the game didn’t become that much of a hit, but many gamers who were disappointed about some aspects of AoE (yes there should be more to a game than rushing :) were pleased by the features of SK …there was a refined diplomacy, spying and trading that had to be done, and the AI was quite decent ...
Tell me about Seven Kingdoms 2!
Now, 2 years later Seven Kingdoms II: The Fryhtan Wars is with us. The first thing you’re probably gonna ask, what has changed? Well, the graphics have done a mayor leap forward. I played the game @ 1024x800 and the buildings and units look very nice. The terrain however, is a bit of a disappointment if you look at for example AOE II: Age of Kings. It's quite flat, and I still have to figure out what happened to the ambient life. Overall, it won’t really bother you much while playing, but it could stand for some improvement.
The sound FX are nicely done too, every kingdom has his own speech and every unit its specific sounds. Villages; buildings; forts, they all have their unique sounds, although they’re nicely done, they all feel a bit “fake”.
Get started
It’s possible to play with 12 human races (Egyptian, Indian, Persian, Chinese, Japanese, Mongol, Greek, Roman, Carthaginian, Norman, Viking or Celt) and 7 races of 'Fryhtans', but I enjoyed playing as a human race better because it’s much more complex… economy, trade, manufacturing, diplomacy, espionage… argh it’s kickass! Your goal, both for humans and Frythans fractions, is to gain control of all the towns on the map, of course you’re not the only villain/do-gooder and there are several options on how to “persuade” a village to join your side.
The easiest (and ONLY for the Frythans) option is to go out there and kick their sorry asses… the downside on doing this is that you will a) kill lots of villagers in the process b) lose fame/karma… Frythans don’t really care about the fame/karma of course and just enslave the town. Another option is to send your king to the town, set up a fort there and let his influence convince the villagers to join your side c) bribe them beyond belief. After some $$$, they don’t really care about what they’re getting themselves into, but why do you need those idiotic no-good peasants you ask?
Well, both Frythans and human empires need to search for food, (yep everyone gotta eat) and taxes. Frythans need cash to bribe other independant keeps of frythans into joining them and well, humans they’re just greedy hehe. The main downside of playing as the Frythans starts here, the only thing you actually have to do is make Frythans, go enslave villages for gold, kill humans for life force (needed to build Frythans/Frythan buildings) and then go bribe/enslave some more and grow stronger as an army.
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