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Klingon Honor Guard
Developer: In-house Publisher: Microprose
Category: 3D FPS System Req: PII 233, 64Mb Ram, 250Mb HD, D3D/3dfx card, Win95/98
Might look like: Unreal with Star Trek universe Date posted: 3 November '98 Written By: Bjorn
- This game was tested on P166, 32mb Ram, Voodoo Graphics, Win95 -
A little Introduction
Enter the brutal realm of Star Trek: The Next Generation Klingon Honor Guard and prepare yourself for bloody battle.
Join the most brutal combat specialists through a high-tension 3-D real-time nightmare where only the ultimate warrior will survive. Explore the Star Trek universe, master hand-to-hand combat, discover weapons of mass destruction and face a vicious onslaught of opponents in your guest to save the Klingon Empire and its leader.
Remember failure is death!
The Manual
Written in English and it is very big for that category, the 3D-shooter games. It is highly detailed with all sort of information especially of course about the Klingons. The different characters, weapons, enemies, you name it baby, it's all in here. I'm absolutely 100% sure that Microprose didn't leave anything out! So if you want that your mummy is quiet for one hour or more, I would suggest that you give her this manual and she'll be off with a cup of tea to her peaceful own little place.
Like Unreal?
You all remember that fantastically but buggy 3d-first person shooter called Unreal. It has still one of the best engines, great graphics, excellent music and blablabla. But it had also much bugs, the UnrealED was beta stuff (not fully tested yet) and the multiplay in that game was absolutely horrible. Still, after releasing several beta patches, pushing up the version numbers (not the amount of patches that Quake II received. Ouch), the game began to become less buggy and the multiplayer was pretty decent.
Now with Unreals release there were alot of gamers that immediately thought that the engine of Unreal could be used in plenty of other games and that this particularly engine is far better then any other ever developed, like for example the Quake II engine. After several months after the release of Unreal there is a new game coming up, also a 3D-shooter that is using the magnificent Unreal engine. Being developed and also published by Microprose, a company that we all know from several good games but no real action games. Now, they are certainly the first company that has made it in the 3D action scene with a game that uses the famous Unreal Engine. The game is called: Klingon Honor Guard and it has certainly something to do with Klingons that are honorable enough to guard themselves or not?
So is this game better then Unreal and any other 3D first-person shooter? Or is it just another clone of a famous game? We did an investigation concerning this game from Microprose and have come up with the following bits of interesting things.
Being an inductee
In KHG you play the role as a new inductee in the Klingon Honor Guard, a very secret organisation, something similar like the Kgb (deny everything and kill everyone ;-)) and while you are training, an assassination is attempted on Gowron. Gowron is the leader of the Klingon High Council and is a very important buddy of the entire Klingon world. A bomb has exploded in the High Council chamber and has killed several members of the High
Council, the Honor Guard and Gowron is seriously injured. He orders you to active duty in order to pursue the criminals to their safe house in the Klingon Capital City. But you discover that there is a traitor inside the organisation and you definitely want to kill that mofo so your quest begins.
So, I was ready to play with a Klingon and ready to kick some serious ass in that weird Klingon world. After installation, I double clicked the KHG icon on my desktop and the game began to load itself. Seeing the Log window (same as Unreal) I was waiting and waiting until the game suddenly gave an error. I can't remember what kind of error it exactly was but what I do remember is that the game immediately stopped with loading. I was thinking by myself: 'Oh, great, this is a very good start'. After a while I remembered that I had the same problem with Unreal the first time I loaded it. The file that
was causing problems with my 3dfx card was glidedrv.dll. I installed the Unreal Glide Driver With Multi-Texture Support For Voodoo II and after overwriting that crucial file, I loaded the game and voila, it ran perfect. Not 100% perfect as you might know that you have to tweak the advanced options alot in the Unreal engine to have the best performance and KHG is not an exception. But I will come back to that later.
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