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Klingon Honor Guard
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19 huge missions

In KHG you will have to explore 19 huge missions set in 7 unique 3D worlds which includes the Klingon Bird of Prey, Rura Penthe Prison and Tong Vey Klingon City. The levels are pretty brilliant. Some are great, full use of the colored lighting and fog but others are simply boring. There is some clever leveldesign but most of the time you just have to push a button here, push one there, get that keycard and ofcourse kill some Klingons. But most of the time you will be pretty impressed with the colours they have used in this game and with its textures. If you do not know anything about Klingons in general, like myself you will be pretty amazed.
A thing that I really like is the several mission briefings. After a stage or 2, you will get a briefing from a high council Klingon telling you what to do next. These are good animated and the voice overs are excellent.

The D'k Tahg and others

Weaponry in KHG is pretty the same as in Unreal. I noticed some several differences but if you compare these 2 you will see that some weapons used in Unreal are basically the same as in KHG.
Of course the look is different but what it fires is pretty the same stuff. Still there are 10 weapons available in this first person 3D shooter game and 6 of them were especially made for the game.
Your first weapon is the 'D'k Tahg' which can be used for stabbing and throwing. It is easy to use but difficult to master. You can also throw this weapon to anyone else that stands near you. It has a pretty cool effect and your ennemies are instantly killed.
We have also the 'Bach Hich Assault Disruptor'. This disruptor is the most powerful hand-held of the Klingon Empire. Its primary launch is an energy bolt and it secondary is a disruption spread where the enery bolt's power spreads and dissipates as the distance of the target increases. Pretty neat.
Another cool weapon is the 'Particle Dispersal Cannon'. This powerful cannon, that looks small for a cannon, is in fact an experimental weapon that causes mass destruction. You can't use this one if you stand close to your enemy because it can disassemble your molecular structure. Cool


Star Trek tunes

The music used in KHG is good. It has that feeling that you are in a Star Trek movie. There are several tracks and every track has its own music style.
Sound effects could have been a bit better. Especially the voices from the Klingons. They all talk plain english and I really thought that they just speak to eachother in Klingonees or how do you call the language? You will hear several phrases in English and it doesn't give you that feeling that you are a Klingon instead of a normal human.
But on the other hand, I appreciate that Microprose has included some of the voices of the Klingon actors from the series such as Tony Todd (Captain Kurn), Robert O'Reilly (Gowron), Barbara March (Lursa) and Gwyneth Walsh (B'Etor). Fans of the series will seriously appreciate this effort and perhaps some of them just will buy this game for its voices. That would be very sad but very good for Microprose. I do not know any Klingon name from the series as it doesn't interest me but it is a nice feature that is included.

Control problems!

Controlling your character in this game is not easy. Just configuring it is pretty hard. I used a Sidewinder gamepad, still the best I ever had and had several problems with turning left and right.
My character just strafed left or right instead of turning. What you will have to do is go to the advanced options and change the line where 'astrafe' is and change that into 'aturn'.

So why are there so many bugs in it? Well because Microprose used the orginal version (v2.00) from Unreal. They could have used the version after that those patches were released but they didn't. Fear not amigos because right now, Microprose already have released a patch that probably fixes alot. You can download it on Microprose's homepage.

If you want to try out the Multiplayer capabilities of KHG after you have installed that patch, be my guest. It works decent via Lan, modem and even on the Net there is not that much of lag. You will have more fun with its multiplayer then with the single player missions.


Klingon Honor Guard from Microprose is certainly not a bad game. No, absolutely not but it's a game that is not suitable for everyone.
What I mean is that if you are a hughe Star Trek/Klingon fan then this game should be yours. Or if you are someone that buys every first person 3D-shooter then this game should be yours too.

But most of us, that doesn't follow the serie, movies and doesn't know anything about the Klingons should better be off with upcoming titles such as Sin, Half Life and Duke Nukem Forever.
Don't get me wrong here, I certainly don't say that KHG is crap but you just got to love it specific theme.

For the fans, it is a gift from God.





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