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Developer: Unique Development Studios
Publisher: Virgin Interactive Entertainment
Category: 3D-Racing System Req: P133, 32Mb Ram, 35Mb HD, 3D accelerator, Win95
Might look like: Death Rally Date posted: 1 May '98 Written By: Bjorn
- This game was tested on P166, 32mb Ram, Voodoo Graphics, Win95 -
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A little Introduction
You're about to enter a world of No-Holds-Barred Auto Racing - life in the really fast lane. Across exotic countries and around some of the most punishing race tracks ever devised you'll have to conquer a variety of other vehicles in a nitrous sprint for the finishing line.
But if you think that racing lines, pit stops and aerodynamic car design is the way to win one of these races, then you're in for a serious surprise. Out on these race tracks you must use all means at your disposal to win - if that means ramming someone off a 200ft cliff then so be it - they shouldn't have got in your way. The brave survive and the weak well, they end up as jam on the Tarmac. Which is kind of poetic if you think about it.
How you approach each of the races in Ignition is entirely up to you, but remember - if you decide to play fair you're sure to get nudged into the nearest river. Learn the tracks, pick your vehicle wisely and drive in the most devious manner you can and you might, just might, win.
The Manual
Nothing special to say about this manual. It is written in English and you might wonder in what country you actually live and what your mother-langauge now really is. It seems to me that some companies don't care about multilanguage manuals. A few pages concerning Directx 3.0a (we are already on v5.0) has been included for solving eventual DirectX problems. I didn't noticed problems at all. This game is for Dos & Windows 95 and every step for installing it is well explained in here. Even gamers that install their very first game in Win95 and/or Dos will have absolutely no problems at all when reading this manual.
A short description about the several racing cars & several tracks is quite nice. After all , the things that you can choose from the options menu in the game are well described.
A nice simple manual that is just suitable for the gamers that understand English. So Foreigners, watch out!
Ignition that ...?
When I got my hands onto this game, I just thought that it would be again a Death-Rally game like I have seen much coming and going. Some good, some bad but never superb.
Well, wait till you have played this new game from Unique Development Studios called Ignition!! There was no Real Smooth 3d Textured Racing Game until I played this new game. The truth, I
couldn't believe my eyes that it was just superb! When you have Moto Racer, the best PC Moto-game ever, you will have Ignition that will be one of the best, correction, THE Best Race Game in its genre!
Beware because Ignition is not a racing game like Formula 1 or GP2, nope, it has more the looks like Death Rally but then a 1000 times better, smoother, nicer and more amusing. The Real Animation used in this game is absolutely fabulous! Highly detailed and almost everything is animated.
What do you really have to do in Ignition? Well, your goal is to reach the finish line as Number 1 while you try to avoid lawines, falling rocks, moving vehicles (like trucks, trains and more). But it is tricky, oh yes, tricky it is because your opponents will do everything they can to get you off the road or nudge you into a cliff wall. So beware, the moral of the game is that it's only when you play 'dirty' that you might have a chance to win the race.
Kids with little cars
Of course, Ignition does have Multiplayer features and that's also the reason why this game is so fun to play. Okay, we won't say that it sucks when you enter the single player mode but as you might know racing against other humans is much, much cooler. Nor is it very addicted but you will get your frustrations out of your body when you shout to one of your friends to move his ass or die! ;) In multiplayer mode there is an option to play on a Network where you can race with 6 other pals. A good time to show them how underhanded you can really be. Network play is really nice here. No unexpected troubles while loading or while connecting, it all runs so smooth.
The other thing that you can do when you are just with 2, enter the Single Spilt Screen Mode. The screen is vertically split in half. I didn't even noticed some slowmotions during this mode on my system. When you play in spm (single player mode) you will face advanced computer-controlled cars but they make also mistakes like spinning and crashing. You will even think that you are playing on a Network then instead in the spm because those cars does't look computer controlled anymore and you will be thinking that humans are controlling them. Neat!
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