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Avalanches, Waterfalls, Canyons, Huge steeps and more ...

There are about 7 incredible well designed tracks in this game. Featuring avalanches, waterfalls, canyons, roads, huge steeps and more.
In fact, to be 100% correct, you only have 5 different tracks but when you have completed the Pro League you will have 2 extra tracks.
Play in Moosejaw Falls where canyons gushing with water and farm machinery are just 2 of the hazards on this verdant track! Oh yeah, watch the lighting too. Or play in the fantastic Lost Ruins where you rush through the Aztec Temples where you will encounter big boulders that wants to get you off the road as quickly as possible! The more tracks you gain , the harder they become.

You have about 7 rocking cars which are all different in speed, acceleration, grip, ... and perhaps you might gain the other 4 extra cars too but then you will have to complete the several leagues. So, this means 11 (eleven!) neat cars.You can choose between several vehicles like a school bus, diesel truck, jungle jeep, 4x4 monster truck, the police car with sirene ... Beware though, it doesn't mean that when a vehicle is the fastest one that it will have the best grip as well! Speed isn't everything is this game, it does require to take the turns with caution and not with the acceleration at 100%. Use your brakes too!

In the section race options, you can choose from championship, single race, time trail or the pursue mode. Everyone know what the first 3 races mean but what is exactly the Pursue Mode? Well in this mode the priority is not becoming first after 3 laps but more not to be the last car on the track. When you are the last one, there is Real Fire coming out of the back of your car. Now you will have to drive so good that you pass a other car and put the fire on him.
Eventually, you will need to win the race in order to keep the fire away from your car. In this mode, it doesn't matter how much laps there are because the game only ends when there is just 1 car alive. As soon as you are the last one and the fire is getting near, you are ready to explode and lose the race.

Ignition features several leagues. Beginner (for the wussies), novice, pro and mirror. Keep in mind that some cars and tracks can only be selected when you have completed a different league.


So, how are the Graphics? Like I already said, this game is stunning. Meaning that the graphics are stunning as well! ;) Transparent skidmarks, smoke, sparks puts a new level to the game realism. The water and weather effects like fog, rain and snow does absolutely add a new look at the realism.
However, you do need a fast computer (p166+) with much ram (32 minimum) if you want to 'feel' the game and switch to high resolution. Still on a p133 with 32 ram it's also neat in a lower resolution.
While playing, you will have an overhead viewpoint which is rare in these kind of games. An overhead viewpoint makes it more easy for you to see better the action that is coming and the forthcoming hazards.

And for the lucky ones, like myself, that have a 3DFX Voodoo Graphics card the fun can't stop. Indeed, Ignition is 3DFX optimised when you get the last 3DFX patch from their site. Install it and see what the real difference is. We all know that 3DFX is the best way if you want to play your games smooth and nice. The more textures, the more we love it but is it really necessary you would ask me? Yes it is. Sorry to say but sometimes the game developers makes their games so complicated in engines and in textures that it would be impossible to have a smooth framerate if you still would use plain svga. Evolution is necessary in game-country. Who in the world want to play Doom I in vga? Only people with 386 and 486 computers but otherwise no one. Upgrade your system is the magical but pricey word.

Rocking your brains out!

Concerning the Music & Sfx. Again the music is somehow rocking your brains out and that is the way we love it.
After a while you even start to sing along. Addictive like drinking beer. There aren't a lot of different Sound Effects but there are all of very high quality and to tell the truth it isn't really necessary to have plenty of effects. It would just become irritating after a while. Too much of something ain't good either.


Unique Development Studios really showed the world with this game, Ignition for what they stand for. You can see it and you can feel it.
The graphics are stunning, the gameplay is excellent and the Multiplayer options are tempting.

There aren't a lot of these 3D-racing-games on the market and that's a real shame. Perhaps some other developers will see this and will produce something like this or we could also dream that UDS will make a sequel to this one.
Lets hope so. My conclusion is that This is THE game you have all been waiting for, now log off and go buy it!!





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