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Half Life
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Dr. Gordon Freeman

You, playing the role of Dr. Gordon Freeman will encounter a lot of different weapons. During your escape you will find basic shotguns, pistols, semi-automatics, grenade launchers (very cool), crossbows and trip mines!
Don't be surprised if you even find some experimental toys because they sure kick ass! Of course Half-Life weaponry hasn't got those very special effects like Turok which 3d effects still rules a lot, but Half-Life weaponry has a more realistic look and sound.

If you expect that you will find Half Life's arsenal in the first levels you're a mofo because those will only be found if you look thorough in gun racks, on the bodies of your evil and dead enemies and in the hands of your allies. Same goes for the ammo. Search inside those nasty storage cages and on the ground. They could also be hidden in several crates.
If you don't want to run out of ammo, which might happens a lot if you don't find any, you gonna search, search like a mouse that hunts for cheese :-).

Early in the game you will encounter only three basic weapons. Here's a short description.
The very first weapon that you will acquire is the 'Crowbar'. This isn't really a very powerful weapon but comes very handy in some places where you'll have to open or smash barrels, boxes, gears and more. You can even break glass which is in some areas necessary if aliens are hunting you down and that particularly window is the only way out. If any enemy is trying to harass you, just bludgeon them.
The second and more poweful weapon is of course the '9mm Pistol'. This perhaps outdated weapon is very useful if you're under water because it can kill enemies.
The third weapon is the 'Sub-Marine gun'. This one is the first that you'll acquire with both primary and secundary attack options. The primary attack will fire 30-round clips of 9mm bullets towards any creature (alien and human :-)) and its secundary attack will launch grenades. It has infinite range and fires very rapidly. Very useful if you wanna kill those baddies fast.

So when you have acquired those 3 weapons that doesn't mean that you have it all. Your complete arsenal includes real world -, experimental weapons and alien technology.
And those are looking very cool!

Gordon's Hazardous Environment Suit

In the beginning of the game you have to find your special suit. That suit is in fact a HEV Suit. HEV stands for Hazardous Environment Suit.
HEV will 'try' to protect you against any dangerous environments. But it needs to be recharged periodically and the greater the charge, the more protective power it has. So how the hell do you recharge it?
Well, you can seek out a HEV suit charger, mostly wall-mounted or you may pick up batteries. This protective charge of your HEV can also be seen in your HUD (Heads Up Display). It's only activated once you are in your HEV-suit. Your HUD is quite effective. It has an on-going barometer of health (very very important), the available energy is shown and the remaining ammo.
Of course it will allow you to select any of the weapons arsenal and inventory items that you have. Oh yeah, just in case it will also 'alerts' you when you are sustaining environmental damage. Cool!

Your Enemies and Friends

The several enemies that you will encounter during your Half-Life quest are quite extraordinary.
Some of them will attack you on sight, some will leave you alone unless they are provoked while others work as a team. Also watch your back because they may follow you by your scent. Anyway, Half-Life creatures can be seperated in 3 categories:
- The Alien Enemies, a dozen of different species will either work in teams or will behave as loners. Some of them will attack without any provocation made by you, others would rather avoid any conflict.
- The Human Enemies are absolutely no holy civilians. They are sended by your government and their main goal is to 'clean-up' the place, a.s.a.p. These military personnel don't only want to obliterate the aliens but they will try to silence you and your co-workers as well.
- The Human Civilians. Your co-workers (scientists) and security guards can be valuable allies now. You'll have to respect them and once you've wounded them, accidentally or not you better watch out!. Security guards may unlock doors and they've access to certain rooms that you don't have. You can command a civilian by just pressing the 'Use' key (default is 'E'). Press it again if you want to leave him behind.
If that isn't enough I would also like to mention that Half-Life is one of the first titles that uses a "Skeletal Animation System". What is that? Well, this feature provides fluid motion, enhanced frame rate and the highest polygon-count monsters. The characters now move with a lot more realism then any other game.

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