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Half Life
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Outstanding Graphics!

Now, you probably wonder how Half-Life scores on graphics. Well all I have to say is this: Awesome, Outstanding, Excellent and ... Of course I shall give you some more information on this matter because I really want to convince you.
First, Half-Life uses 16-bit color in software mode and 24-bit!!! with 3D-acceleration. Therefore it can produce translucent coloring, colored lighting and reflective/metallic surfaces without any problem.
And without any slowdown of your machine. Thats right gamers. When I tested this baby on my machine, a P166 MMX, 64 SGRAM with a Monster V1, it ran very smoothly on 640x480. There's no reason to set its resolution higher like 800x600 because a 4mb 3DFX card can't handle that.
Secondly if you got a other 3D card watch out because Half-Life doesn't support them all. For example, the S3 Virge, ATI Rage Pro, Number 9, Rendition verite, Matrox Mystique/Millenium II and others will only work in 'software mode'. Software mode means plain svga without any 3D-acceleration.

However, the S3 Savage and the Matrox G200 are the only cards that supports D3D in Half-Life.
If you want the best performance in this game, you better have a 3DFX Voodoo, -Banshee, the Nvidia Riva 128 or the Nvidia TNT which all have 'OpenGl' support. If you still have problems with those cards, try to contact Sierra or the best and fastest way is download the latest drivers of your graphic card.
So what can I say? The textures, the characters and other objects are all rendered beautifully when 3D-acceleration is enabled. Better then any other 3D game. No doubt possible!
Oh yeah for the ones like myself that own a Pentium with the famous (?) MMX technology, Half-Life supports that technology too. So if you have a MMX system and your other friend just have an ordinary Pentium, yours will slightly go a bit faster then his ;-).


Artificial Intelligence

One of its other biggest surprises, except its outstanding graphics and gameplay, is the way that your enemies behave. This is also called 'the A.I.' (Artificial Intelligence).
It includes threat assessment, coordinated packs and flocking behavior. Your enemies, Human and Alien are so damn smart that sometimes you wish you weren't there. I mean, Valve certainly have put a lot of work in making the A.I. to what it is now and you certainly see that if you take a closer look on the movements of your several enemies.
Some will operate in group while others will act alone. Most of the enemies found in Half-Life will hunt you down like crazy son's of b.... And this feature can only be found in this game. In most of the FPS games the A.I. has always been one of their weakest points. There's absolutely no patron in their attacks and most of them will just attack you when you're in front of them.
Half Life's enemies doesn't behave that way. Like I already mentioned they are very smart and I guess that most of them really behave like real humans. This is outstanding!

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