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Get Medieval
Developer: Monolith Publisher: Microids
Category: Dungeon Game System Req: P200, 32Mb Ram, 100Mb HD, Win95
Might look like: Gauntlet Date posted: 28 November '98 Written By: Bjorn
- This game was reviewed on P166, 64 Mb Ram, Voodoo Graphics, Win95 OSR2 -
A little Introduction
Leap into the fray with this fast, furious and funy dungeon romp. Immerse yourself in a frenetic action environment as you battle the Evil minions of a dastardly dragon. Laugh out loud at the quips, quibbles and quirks of this slightly 'off' band of adventurers. And while you may not want these characters to show up at your next dinner party, you will forgive their eccentricities when their diverse but effective skills get you through the next level. Your soul is mine. Get Medieval!
The Manual!
"Get Medieval's" manual was not included in this review copy.
The return of Gauntlet!
Years ago, many years ago, in the 80's there was a game in the arcades that was extremely succesful. I still remember when I was about 10 or 12 years old and every year the fair came to the main city and everytime there was an arcade attraction that had lots of cool coin-ups. We always looked forward to that particulary moment. We, me and my mates went every year and played some magnificient games and we had much fun. That year something new arrived. An adventure dungeon game someone told me. Great, we ran towards it and what we saw was something new, something wild and something that certainly deserved our pocket money.
That adventure game was called 'Gauntlet' and was very addictive that there was a time that you thought you rather want to spent your money on that coin-up than on candy and food. It also had something exciting to offer. You could play with 4 heroes which all looked outstanding and impressive. Kill and plunder was your main goal and it might look cruel at that moment when you killed everyone that crossed your path but it was so amusing. After a while, new games arrived with 3D graphics, more voilence and we moved on. Gauntlet was forgotten. But perhaps now we can look back at that classic game because there might be a new game out that quite looks and plays like the classic. Want more info? Read on then.
Getting ready
Now several years later, Monolith Productions, a game developer and also publisher, also known for games like Blood, Claw and others like Shogo and Blood2 decided that they might do a sort of a remake of the classic Gauntlet. With more decent graphics, better sounds and music, improved AI and gameplay this game would bring new life into those adventure dungeon games which, sadly to say, are not frequently made anymore. When I opened the package that we recieved from Microîds that distributes the game in Europe, I immediately saw that there was a copy included of Get Medieval, that so called Gauntlet game. I rapidly unpacked it and putted into my cd-rom drive. Did a rapid check on how much HD space was free and I saw immediately that there was enough space so I didn't have to delete something else. Loaded up the Windows explorer thingie and runned the setup for installing the game. I could hardly wait to play a Gauntlet clone. So at that point I wish I had a 32x speed cdrom drive instead of a 6 speed but thats life, you can't have it all!
When installing the game you have 3 different installation types. The 'Normal install' which will only install the general options and DirectX 5. Five? Hmm, I thought we already were on version 6? There is also the 'Minimum install' for gamers who own hard disks of 50 MB or for those who have many games installed and also want this game using a minimum amount of megabytes. The most efficient installation is always the custom type. Here you can install whatever you want, depending on the HD space that is available. Oh yes, also disable the D5 component if you choose this installation type because I assume that you probably have Directx 6.x already installed.
A game with much Humor!
After a few minutes, the installation program finished its copying and I was ready to Get Medieval. I started this baby and an intro came on the screen. In this introduction movie, heavenly pixelated but thats ok for 1 time :-),you'll see a dragon that is nuking an entire village and the four heroes of this game are commenting on everything that happens. With quite much humor but I enjoyed it. Ok, so this game wouldn't be a serious and boring one, thats for sure. It would be entertaining with lots, lots of humor. And as you might know or not, Monolith is a bit known for their strange humor in several of their games. But thats just fine, the more humor it has the better. Hopefully it isn't a game where you just have fun by laughing at its humor than rather have fun while playing it.
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