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Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun
Developer: Westwood Studios
Publisher: Electronic Arts Category: RTS
System Req: PII 300, 64mb Ram, 200mb HD, 4mb graphic card, Win95/98/NT
Might look like: Red Alert? Date posted: November '99 Written By: Bobbi
- This game was tested on PlayDevil.com Game Machine -
A little Introduction
When Dune 2 was released in 1993 a revolution began in the gaming industry. A new genre was born: RTS, Real Time Strategy, games. And it’s holding it’s ground next to the First Person Shooters and other genres. In RTS you control all the units and buildings that are built in a game, you’ll use them to destroy your enemies.
Many games have followed this genre: Warcraft, Starcraft, Total Annihilation, Warzone2100 and Command and Conquer to name just a few. The Command and Conquer series never stopped from being one, if not THE, most popular RTS games.
Now after a very long period of waiting Westwood Studios has finally finished their latest game set into the C&C universe named: Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun.
Kain is BACK!
If you played the former C&C game called Tiberian Dawn you’ll know that in the end Kain, leader of the Brotherhood of NOD – the bad guys -, was killed when a ION cannon hit his base. Although his body was never found, the Global Defense Initiative, GDI – good guys – presumed his was killed. Well you’re in for a treat because 'Kain is back'!
Better AI?
When I got my hands on this game I installed it, which went smooth, and began playing a 4-player skirmish, 1 player against computer AI controlled enemies, mission. What can I say, I think the enemy AI players I was up against must still be laughing. Yup, as a more than average RTS player, IMHO, my but was kicked the hard way, I lasted about 15 min before my forces were obliterated.
The next skirmish didn’t go well either against 3 enemy AI player, after 10 minutes my construction yard got hit by a Multi Missile and all I could build were tanks and soldiers. So my first 30 minutes were embarrassing, but I was happy to see the computer was getting better in defeating human controlled players. Lately I found it too easy to defeat enemy AI players when playing as NOD, I simply build loads of artillery back-up with some anti air units ... hopefully this will be fixed in a future patch :)
The Command and Conquer series set any new standards in RTS games, Westwood probably thinks it found the right engine/game-play formula and will stick with it. Don’t expect a brand new interface or a fully 3d engine with rotating camera views. They have added some new features, which really add to the game and more on the following page.
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