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Julian Widdows / Rage Software
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- How long did the Rage team worked on International Football 2000?

   Julian: About 2 years. We got 3 teams here in Birmingham and the International Football 2000 team is the biggest.
The other 2 smaller teams are working on other projects. But this is certainly the biggest team in the office.

- Like we mentioned already, the graphics in this football game are very outstanding if you have a high-end 3D-accelerator card. Does that mean that the system requirements are high if you want to play the game in software renderer mode?

   Julian: No, for software renderer, a P166 with 32 Megs is quite enough. We wanted to make the game, because this is a football title, we thought it was very important to make it playable by people of a wide variety of machines.
We wanted to make it absolutely fantastic on the very high-end machines but also look really good and really playable on lower-end machines.
I think an important part of the football game market is the lower-end machines. So yes, the basic specifications are pretty reasonable.

- There are a lot of upcoming games from Rage Software like Hostile Waters, Midnight GT,... Can you tell us a bit more about them? What can we expect in the near future from Rage?

   Julian: Well, "Hostile Waters" is a real action strategy title that we got under development.

- Is it like Incoming 2?

   Julian: Not at all. Incoming 2 is actually a seperate title. That is in development right now but I can't tell you nothing about that now.

- While Julian can't say much now about Incoming Forces, we still managed to get some EXCLUSIVE screenshots from another upcoming Rage game, Hostile Waters from him. Yes, here are 4 exclusive shots that Julian sent us. Thanks!


   Julian: Hostile Waters is very very different to anything that you have seen before.
It is a total original action strategy title that has a whole set of features. Its got a very clever interface system. You can either take direct control of vehicles or give them orders to anyone of your vehicles. Or move back to a command area within your carrier and carry out orders from the 3D map room and go back into the gameworld, watch that orders carried out and amend those orders by your units.
Your units include tanks, helicopters, super-helicopters, planes, buggy's,... You got 10 different vehicles with 8 different weapons that will give you a combination of 80 different combatting vehicles that you can construct and build because you can mix and match components and add-ons.

Midnight GT is of course a driving game but I don't work directly on Midnight GT so I'm probably not the best person to answer any questions.
But if you have some questions about this driving game, I'll be more than happily to fire those questions to the right people.

- Ok, thanks!

- With new technologies like S3's texture compression, bump mapping, 32-bit rendering and many others, I assume that Rage's upcoming titles like Hostile Waters, Midnight GT, Incoming 2 and Off road will have support for these features.

   Julian: Yes, S3 TC is supported in all our titles. Bump mapping is already implented in Expendable and it is something that we'll definitely implement with Hostile Waters as well.
But for the moment, we are looking for something where it would be reallly effective. We don't just want to put it in game for the sake of it so we will look where we can make it really good so we can make some very nice effects out of it.

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