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Maxi Gamer Xentor 32
Page 5

Let the Games begin!

When reviewing Hardware, and especially with high-end video cards, benchmarks are a necessity when you compare the real speed of the card with some games.
These games, some are famous for benchmarking, will give you an 'almost' exact result of what you can expect @ these resolutions. Please do note that every system is different and will not always deliver the same speed.

The Test System:
  • Intel Celeron 400 MMX o/c 450 with 128Kb cache
  • Abit BX6 R2.02 with latest bios
  • 128 Mb 100Mhz SDRAM (Samsung)
  • 18 gig Hard Disk Western Digital AC418000 UDMA2/ATA 66 7200RPM (ATA66 was not enabled)
  • Xentor 32 AGP card
Test Conditions:
  • Clean Install of Windows 98 S.E.
  • Xentor 32 is using nVidia's reference drivers (v2.08)
  • Installed Directx 6.1.x
  • Installed all necessary device drivers and applications
Other notes:
  • V-synch was disabled
  • No other programs were running in background
  • The Xentor 32 was NOT overclocked in all our benchmarks
Benchmarks used:
  • Quake II (v3.20) for OpenGL Performance
  • Unreal (v224) for Direct3D Performance
  • Shogo: M.A.D. (v2.2.1.4) for Direct3D Performance

Quake II Benchmarks

For the Quake II benchmarks I have used 2 very different Time Demos.
The first one is 'demo1' which is a very good example on how the performance will be when there is 'almost' nothing going on. It enables us to calculate the maximum FPS (frame per seconds) for one normal playing session.

The other time demo is 'massive1' made by Brett "3 Fingers" Jacobs which shows the worst scenario that you could get while playing. We could have used Brett's other timedemo, crusher as well but we think that this timedemo features massive explosions, lots of action and frags. With this result we can calculate the real FPS that you would get if you are in such a position.

Benchmarks Timedemo | Benchmarks Timedemo

Resolution Results
1600 * 1200, 32 Bit 26.9 fps
1600 * 1200, 16 Bit 33.2 fps
1280 * 960, 32 Bit 41.9 fps
1280 * 960, 16 Bit 52.3 fps
1024 * 768, 32 Bit 65.0 fps
1024 * 768, 16 Bit 73.2 fps
800 * 600, 32 Bit 81.1 fps
800 * 600, 16 Bit 81.9 fps
640 * 480, 32 Bit 84.9 fps
640 * 480, 16 Bit 82.9 fps
Resolution Results
1600 * 1200, 32 Bit 26.0 fps
1600 * 1200, 16 Bit 32.6 fps
1280 * 960, 32 Bit 39.7 fps
1280 * 960, 16 Bit 48.8 fps
1024 * 768, 32 Bit 56.4 fps
1024 * 768, 16 Bit 58.7 fps
800 * 600, 32 Bit 62.6 fps
800 * 600, 16 Bit 60.8 fps
640 * 480, 32 Bit 63.3 fps
640 * 480, 16 Bit 61.8 fps

As you can see, the Maxi Gamer Xentor 32 is capable of handling very high resolutions with a decent framerate. Even in 32-bit rendering, this card won't slow down much and it is still very playable.
Thanks to its higher clock and memory, games will be playable with 32-bit rendering @ very high resolutions.

Unreal Benchmark

Epic's magnificent game, Unreal is a perfect game for testing the Direct3D capabilities of this AGP card.
Unreal uses lots of complex 3D situations, a lot of lighting and many other features that will stress your card basically to its knees.
We are using version '224' for Unreals calculations and we also used "FPSTimeDemo for Unreal" by Lothar. FPSTimeDemo is a slightly modified version of Mek's TimeDemo 0.2. It's shorter and simplier therefore the CPU spends less time to run this timedemo and this may result in a little bit higher FPS.
All settings were set to 'high', sound effects and music were enabled.
Please note this these framerates are based on an average cycle of 10 Unreal Flyby times. This is NOT the Highest FPS!

Resolution Results
1600 * 900, 32 Bit 18.9 fps
1600 * 900, 16 Bit 21.8 fps
1280 * 1024, 32 Bit 17.9 fps
1280 * 1024, 16 Bit 22.2 fps
1280 * 960, 32 Bit 19.2 fps
1280 * 960, 16 Bit 23.8 fps
1024 * 768, 32 Bit 26.5 fps
1024 * 768, 16 Bit 29.0 fps
800 * 600, 32 Bit 31.8 fps
800 * 600, 16 Bit 34.3 fps
640 * 480, 32 Bit 35.5 fps
640 * 480, 16 Bit 36.9 fps

We can see clearly that Unreal will bring every 3D-card to its knees. However, the Xentor 32 will let you play Unreal @ 1600x900 with a decent framerate of 18.9 in 32-bit. Again, these framerates are not the HIGHEST that we recieved. These are a timedemo average of 10 times the Unreal Flyby.
Also, switching from 16- to 32-bit isn't a significant loss in framerate with this card.

More Xentor 32 benchmarks on the next page where we stress out more benchmarks with Monolith's Shogo: M.A.D.

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