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NOTE: These cheats may require v1.05+.
Cheat Codes
Press Ctrl + Tab to display the console window and then enter the following codes:
Show full map.
Teleport party to pointer.
CHEATERDOPROSPER:SetCurrentXP([number]); Give selected characters indicated EXP.
Add indicated gold to party total.
Add 500 gold to party total.
5 healing potions , 5 antidotes, and 1 Scroll Of Stone To Flesh.
Note: Back up the original files before proceeding with the following set of codes.
Use a text editor to edit the "icewind.ini" file in the game directory. Add the line "Cheats=1" under the "[Game Options]" section. Start the game and press [Ctrl] + [Tab] to display the console window. Type "CHEATERSDOPROSPER:EnableCheatKeys();" (case-sensitive) to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes while playing a game:
[Ctrl] + J - Move selected characters to pointer position.
[Ctrl] + R - Heal or resurrect the selected character or portrait .
[Ctrl] + Y - Kill selected monster or NPC with no EXP.
[Ctrl] + 4 - Display trigger polygons; shows traps.
[Ctrl] + 9 - Display character bounding boxes.
Create Items
CHEATERSDOPROSPER:CreateItem("XXXX"); where XXXX is a code for an item:
SCRL1Q - Scroll of Vampiric Touch
SCRL04 - Protection from Cold
SHLD06 - Large Shield +1
SW1H01 - Bastard Sword
SW2H01 - Two Handed Sword
WAND02 - Wand of Fear
XBOW03 - Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy
AMUL01 - Necklace of Missiles
AROW07 - Arrow of Dispelling
AX1H01 - Battle Axe
BELT02 - Golden Girdle
BLUN05 - Mace +1
BOLT02 - Bolt +1
BOOK03 - +1 Con
BOOT01 - Boots of Speed
BOW01 - Composite Long Bow
BRAC06 - Gauntlets of Ogre Power
BULL02 - Bullet +2
CHAN06 - Mithril Chain Mail +4
CLCK02 - Cloak of Protection +2
DAGG03 - Dagger +2
DART02 - Dart +1
HALB02 - Halberd +1
HAMM03 - War Hammer +2
HELM03 - Helm of Glory
MISC35 - Horn Coral Gem
POTN03 - Potion of Hill Giant Strength
PLAT05 - Full Plate Mail +1
RING01 - Ring
Summon JeffK
You can summon JeffK only if you have the recent patch and enable the cheat console by entering "Cheats=1" under [Game Options] in icewind.ini. When you're in the game, hit Control-Tab. A console should come up. Enter one of the following two commands:
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