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Wheel of Time
Page 2


Alright, I have to admit, this game does a good job here.
The graphics range from beautiful to horrific, in that the sky, the trees, the water and all the landscape looks absolutely beautiful, while the monsters, they are also drawn almost perfectly, in that they appear gruesome as they should.

One of the things I noticed that were well done were the trees, instead of making them 2d or basically making flat, they made them have many branches jutting out, and on each branch there would be tiny leaves on them, all well detailed.
Also, while walking outside for a bit, you'll notice the sky suddenly lighting up and all the buildings and such will cast a shadow for that brief moment that the lightning struck.

All this obviously took some effort to work on, so I have to say that the developers of this game had some great 3D designers and that their skills are a big plus to the company.


Sound and Music

Alright, here's another section WOT did well at.
The sound in this game was of good quality and has no static that I can hear.
Also, the detail in the sound system was very well done. Most of the time you'll find yourself jumping out of your seat as the thunder makes a sudden clap, or when the monster you are trying to sneak on finally sees you and growls at you as he turns around.
It gets even scarier when you start hearing footsteps in the dark, and you have no idea which way they are sneaking up on you from. Although this type of great sound is usually present in many of the finer games, it's still important that this type of quality be maintained, rather then just getting worst at it.


Well, I gotta tell ya, I'm not too happy with this game.
Even though the graphics were great and the sound was good as well, the gameplay factor just destroyed the whole thing.
I really don't understand why anyone would want to buy this game, there are many more games that make this one look like some sort of cruel joke.
People please, do not waste money because a game looks nice on the back of the box, otherwise developers will keep making crappy games and trying to trick everyone into buying them.

By the way, in my opinion, Wheel of Time makes neither the Rpg nor the Action genres, but it fits right in to the crap genre.





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