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Warzone 2100
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There is a Time Limit!

Warzone 2100 is an action-based real time strategy game (what a title) and that explains the fact why there is a time limit builded in every mission. Many players regret the addition of the timer (me also), but I have to admit it gives an extra feeling of pressure, which makes the game more challenging.
Maybe some players will unhook on this fact, but if you're really want to proof yourself, Warzone gives you the chance!
If you're really not in this kind of gameplay, use the cheats then!

At the start of the game your troops are just nothing. You have some ultra light tanks, but they can only operate in great amounts to be really successful. The more technologies you discover, the more units you can create with that fantastic editor, the stronger your units will be.
Every single unit has an own ranking. That means on base of how many kills a unit has on its name, the unit receives an experience-rank.
First every unit is a rookie, but at a fast pace the unit will become a green, a trained, and after too many kills a hero (to be a hero that specific unit must kill over 315 (!) enemy units and must survive).


Top notch 3D Graphics!

The graphics (real 3D terrain) in Warzone 2100 are top notch! Breathtaking in other words.
You can position your camera angle in a variety of positions, including the ability to be directly above the rear of your units as they head into battle. You can zoom in and out, from left or right, from the front to the rear, if you switch the camera vertically above your units, you can even play in 2D!
Explosions are fairly well rendered with animation. A slightly problem is the fact that many troops have the same external visuals. When you upgrade your units, you have to take a close look to see whether you take an advanced unit or a weaker one.
Intro and movie sequences throughout the game are well done, although they are not rendered on a high resolution, something that would give greater results.
One thing to notice: Warzone 2100 is one of the first, maybe even the first real time strategy game which supports 3D cards. Using the advantages of these cards, graphics will improve remarkably in the new age of RTS games.

Artificial Intelligence

Well, the 'AI' (aka Artificial Intelligence) has always been an important factor in the RTS genre, and so it is in this game. How would I describe the AI in Warzone?
Sometimes it is brilliant and you wonder how in earth did they knew that. At other moments, you wouldlike to see some of your units burn in hell.
For example, after a heavy attack, I decided to withdraw my troops, especially the front ones, who have suffered serious damage. I point them to defence, those front units agree, turn their machines, but they do really think they have to say goodbye to their enemies.
What I mean is, instead of turning 180 degrees and drive back to the defence, they take a big circle, right in front of the enemy, and drive back. Well, at that point, they couldn't drive back anymore, they were already burned and recycled to ashes.
Some units are smarter than others. Your truck for example, is without discussion the most braindead unit I ever saw. On its way to a certain point, a small turret (of mine) was standing in its way. You should think that the truck could pass it? Well, it kept on doubting which way it would take, the left or the right.
However, in most cases I didn't had to complain about the AI of my troops, and especially in "finding the shortest and best way to a certain point", those guys at Pumpkin Studios deserve some honor.


Sound Effects and Music

Turn your speakers loud and start a battle because you will think you've just landed in the middle of World War III!
Explosions, fire, bombs, etc ... all these sound effects are extremely cool and add a special dimension to the game.
Music is like the average stuff, and if you don't like it, you can insert your own Clawfinger or any hard 'n heavy audio cd in the cd-tray :)

Multiplayer battles

Of course the multiplayer events aren't absent in this wonderful game. You can play with the modem, with a serial cable (null-modem), in a local IPX network or via the Internet.
Personally I enjoyed the "skirmish" option, something already present in Red Alert. It's you against four (or more) other CPU-enemies. Unlike in C&C, whereby one CPU enemy worked together with another, the enemies in Warzone 2100 attack each other without any shame. You can stand there, watch those two army's kill out each other and then you attack them with your forces, easily destroying their camps.

Update: many critical bugs have now been resolved with the latest Warzone 2100 patch.


Warzone 2100, developed by Pumpkin Studios and published by Eidos Interactive is a little milestone in the history of Real Time Strategy gaming.
Some games in the past already inserted 3D terrain in their landscape, but for the first time the 3D world really works realistic and it's pure eye candy.
At the start you have to get used to the special camera orientation and perhaps in some moments the 3D works negative on the controls of your troops because sometimes their are hidden behind mountains etc but when you master the tricks of using the camera angles, you're in for some heavy action!

Warzone 2100 has the standard basics of every RTS game, but Pumpkin studios has inserted some great ideas to make it unique. The way you give commands to your army, with one click, is incredibly well done and very user-friendly. Missions are also varying enough, it's not always the same - build your base and attack the enemy.

A last appealing factor - the game will keep you busy for many many days. To finish the 34 missions, you'll probably need some 70 hours of gameplay! For the first time a RTS game shows its capabilities in a true 3D world.
I can't wait 'till I get another full 3D RTS game!





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