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Unreal Tournament
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Weapons Suck or Weapons Rule?

After a match, users can view detailed statistics on the internet using the ngStats software included on the CD.
This program, created at NetGames USA, organizes statistical information from local and online games into a detailed running career totals database.
The powerful software, enables a user to see how he or she did against individual opponents, establish which are their most efficient weapons and much more. And also if you don't have an internet connection you will be able to view your statistics at your local ngStats and also this is great to check your ranking, who has the most frags, multi-kills etc.

Some say the weapons suck, some say the weapons rule. Well I say that they're quite nice done and powerfull. And when I mean powerfull I mean that, you can kill someone with a rocket launcer even if you only have a single enforcer!
For the rest it doesn't matter if you have a good gun or not, every weapons kills. All of the weapons also have a secondary fire, f.e. you rocket launcher also launches grenades etc.
The coolest gun is the "Redeemer", which launches mini nuclear warheads that can be piloted in a first-person mode. Very cool and very effective (even to kill yourself if you are to close). Another interesting thing is the "Translocator", which servers a a personal transporter device. If you think it's getting too dangerous, you can use the device and get out there. Quite useful but I'd rather die than to run like a newbie, but I don't mind if you use it.

First-person shooter fans are going to love UT, including the veterans who will appreciate the improved Internet code. Yet those who do not like this kinda game. It is as much a single-player experience as it is a multiplayer one, and the ability to customize everything from the intelligence of the bots to the rules of competition should allow players of all levels to enjoy the excitement.

The Unreal Engine

The most important thing is the graphical engine is that it's able to render attractive real-time 3d environments that produce high framerates during the action. The first thing I noticed was how the characters no longer glide across surfaces, but feature fluid running, jumping, dodging, crouching and swimming animations.

They even glance up when waiting for an elevator to descend or aim down when shooting an enemy below them. The model textures are also well done and contain a nice amount of detail. When Unreal was released in 1998, Voodoo users were happy with the Glide-acceleration, but TNT owners and others got a less attractive software verson. But of course this has changed. The engine now supports Direct3D cards which is great because I own a TNT2 Ultra card myself a I was very happy to play it in 800x600 using 32-bit color and Direct3D and still have a reasonable framerate (of course 128MB RAM is quite recommended).

Sound FX and Music

Soundfx and music are also included in the game, but I don't think anyone cares about the music. We don't want music, we want blood!!!
Bots now say something to you and also the computer says things. But this isn't very logical, let me give you an example. I was walking around and I killed about 5 people at the same time, so the computer voice said 'Ultra Kill', then it said Killing Spree and then somebody shot a rocket in my but and then it said 'You suck'!
The music is a bit mystic, I really can't describe it, you have to here it, but it's okey.


Some awesome killing with great graphics, soundfx and some music make this game overruling the world of 3Dacion games. And all of this still at a high framerate?
That's how it should be. I haven't found anything negative in the game, maybe that's because I'm addicted to it ;-)

Well this game rocks, now let's wait what Quake3 Arena will bring us.
Will it be even more ruling that it crushes UT? Let's wait...and see....





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