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South Park Rally
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Sound and Music?

Each character has a wide range of often hilarious, often annoyingly repetitive sound bites from the show, all voiced by the show's small cast.
The problem here is that only the truly dedicated will see them all in the single-player game. Each caracter has its own voice and speech lines.
There are several background tunes and some are better then others. Nothing special here but it does add an extra to that special 'South Park' atmosphere.
In other words, if you adora South Park in general .. then these sound bites will be heaven to you.


Editor's Note: Our capture program, Hypersnap DX Pro didn't like snapping images so we had to use Work-in-Progress screenshots! Sorry 'bout that but that was the best we could do!


The only saving grace this game has is "Multiplayer", because humans make more mistakes than the AI in this game.
Since these tracks aren't really races, they're more like random. It's just more fun to share your troubles with a friend. Also, since the best thing about the game is the sound files, you get to enjoy twice as many when playing with a friend.
Multiplayer definitely gets a higher gameplay score then just the single-player mode.


So, what is the verdict on this latest South Park game, namely South Park Rally from publisher Acclaim?
To start, we have a game with one unlocked track and a handful of characters. The rest can be unlocked but it isn't easy, partially because of the randomness of some of the game types, but because the lack of a learning curve.
Expect to lose 3/4 of the time, which mostly won't be your fault.
Luckily there are lots of characters and 14 levels.

If you're a die hard South Park addict you should definitely buy this game (although just to show that you're an addict) the rest of you, don't waste you precious money on this Arcade rally game. There are plenty more to waste your money on.

Maybe a word to Acclaim: nice try but far from good!





Music & Sfx:


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on our 5-point Rating System


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