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Star Wars: Episode I Racer Page 2
Stunning graphics?
The circuits themselves are awesome designed with some great lightning effects and varying color cycling. It's just great, but you have to play and see it for yourself to know what I mean, then you'll be astonished!
Most of the tracks are the same in the different tournaments but you drive them in another way, so you think it's the same but then suddenly it totally changes. This is what we call: 'mirroring' The graphics are absolutely stunning!! I can't find another word to describe it, I played the game on my PIII with a Voodoo2 card and the graphics are wow, just great. Even with all details selected the frame rate is still very high and the game is just incredibly fast! At this moment, Episode Racer I is really the fastest racing game that I ever saw. For those who haven't got a 3D-acceleration card, I really recommend that you buy one. You'll be astonished of the great graphics and it will keep the frame rate still very high.
Control your Pod
The controls are like they should be in a racing game, very easy. All you need is left/right, brake and boost. The race is going so fast that sometimes, in some situations you'll hardly touch that brake button. There is also a button for a 'turbo boost'. This boost will take your pod even faster but after some time, your engine could explode because it is getting so damn hot, especially in turbo mode. I tested the game with a MS Sidewinder game pad and it just works great.
This new game from LucasArts, Star Wars Episode I: Racer is the fastest 3D racing game that is available right now. It has awesome graphics, extreme fast game play, stunning sound effects/music and of course, it has a Star Wars flair. If you're not convinced yet, download the demo and give it a try. I bet that after some minutes of getting into the game, you'll want more and more! A good reason to go to your local gameshop and buy the game. I can assure you that you won't be disappointed at all and Episode I Racer is surely not a waste of money! It seems that LucasArts has done it again and that the Star Wars-mania isn't over yet.
May the force be with you.
84% |
90% |
Music & Sfx:
90% |
85% |
This game scores
![](../../../images/reviews/1.gif) ![](../../../images/reviews/1.gif) ![](../../../images/reviews/1.gif) ![](../../../images/reviews/1.gif) on our 5-point Rating System
![Click here for our in-depth review of the Xentor 32](../../../images/reviews/xentor32.gif) This game has been tested with Guillemot's Ultra TNT2 card the Xentor 32
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