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Redline Racer
Developer: Criterion Studios Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment Category: : 3D Motor racing System Req: Pentium 166Mhz with 32MB Ram. Full install requires 180 MB of Hard Disk Space.
Might look like: Motor Racer Date posted: 15 May 1998 Written By: Bjorn
- This game was reviewed on "PlayDevil.com Game Machine"
For the first time ever, arcade quality motorcycle racing comes to your PC. It'll introduce your mouth to your stomach.
Redline Racer is a spectacular, challenging motorcycle racing game that brings pure, unadulterated arcade racing to the PC for the first time. Pull the flies from your teeth, flip your visor down and blast through ten stunning tracks from all over the world. Bringing exhilarating speed and astounding graphics to your PC, the road screams beneath your wheels and the horizon lurches as you carve your bike through the bends. And don't forget to select the visor-cam view to discover the plethora of amazing visual effects
The Manual
The manual of Redline Racer is a cdbook and it is fully written in the country's motherlanguage which is here 'Dutch'.
There are several sections extremely well explained such as the different multiplayer options and others. Screenshots are of course included but you can not count them on your both hands.
It is a pretty small racing-manual but what did you expect from a Motocycle Racing game? They are always small in size because everyone know that racing is 'racing' and nothing more or less.
Lets get Started!
The game market has always been interested in racing games. From Stockcar, F1, Indycar, Plain Racing or MotorCycle Racing, the game industry has always want to make the best of its racing games by developing them as close to the real Arcade Machines.
Still, no-one really made it that far because real Arcade Graphics really need a very powerful computer and you do not get that adrenaline feeling on the existing PC racing games. I must admit that 'Moto Racer', from Delphine International is still the best motorcycle game that is available for the PC. Ubisoft, a well known developer with gigantic best-selling titles like "POD", "Rayman", "F1 Simulation" and many others may change the motorcycle world with their new game called Redline Racer. It's Fast, it's Arcade based and it looks Gorgeous. But does it have what it takes to beat top 1 selling racing game Moto Racer? Lets find out.
Now, much has changed. With 3D-acceleration, smoother and more realistic graphics are almost a standard value in the game industry and 'UbiSoft' wants their bit of that success as well. I personally congratulate that approach and may many follow.
Installing the game is as easy as installing Windows 95 on a new clean machine. And I say clearly: a new 'clean' machine :-). You have 2 options in this installation mode, either get a minimum of 85 mb installed on your hard disk or go for the full install which requires around 180 mb. Certainly those with not so rapid machines should install the full 180 megs. Even on a 6-speed Cd-Rom, like the one I have, this game runs fast enough. Sometimes to fast! Yes, as I already mentioned, sometimes the framerate can go extremely high in RedLine Racer. Around 60 fps is not an exception in this game. Thats why, especially when you are playing it in First-Person viewmode, it might be not controllable at all. This unfortunately decreases the gameplay. At some corners, it's extremely difficult to turn at the right time because its game-speed is too fast. Maybe a frame rate limit would be better in this game :-). On the other hand, gamers with low end machines would be delighted if they can get over 30 fps which is not bad either!
RedLine Racer has certainly made a new standard for motorcycle racing games that can compete with Arcade racing games. For experiencing good arcade games, you cannot play it in Svga. It can only be played if you have an 3DFX or Direct3D accelerated card. For those who haven't got one of those baby's, it's bad luck.
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