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Red Alert 2
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Most popular units (continue)

IFV: This The IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) is normally a medium armored vehicle with quick speed, and some rockets. But if you put a soldier inside, it will use the ability of that unit. For example: An engineer inside will make it a Mobile Repair Unit, and a Tanya inside will make it an infantry slaughter device.

Apocalypse Tank: By far this is the best tank in the game. It has HEAVY armor, twin cannons, and AA missile's on it's back. It is a lot like the Mammoth Tank from the original C&C except this is a bit more powerful. It's main drawback is speed. Send a couple of Harriers to intercept them, and it should do the trick.

Conscript: Your standard Soviet Troop. They may not be effective against GI's, but they are cheap and can easily be replaced.

Crazy Ivan: This guy loves to blow things up. He can put bombs on anything - Tanks, buildings, even cows! After he plants the bomb, he can detonate them from a safe distance.

Dreadnought: The Dreadnought is the largest and most powerful ship in the Soviet Fleet. It is armed with twin missiles that are huge. The only drawback is that the missiles can be shot down.

Flack Track: Although the Flak Track can shoot at ground units, it's main purpose is to take down enemy aircraft. It has light armor, but it is pretty fast. It can also act as an APC, carrying 5 troops around the battlefield.

Kirov Airship: Be afraid. Be very afraid. These massive airships have an endless stream of bombs that they can drop on anybody, or anything, unlucky enough to be in it's way. It isn't invulnerable though. It's main drawback is speed, if you have a couple of patriot missile sites, you should be able to shoot them down before they can do any real damage.

Rhino Heavy Tank: Much better than the Allied Grizzly Tank, it is a bit more powerful, and has heavier armor. It is a little slower, but it really doesn't matter because a few of these could take on a couple Grizzly's with out too much damage.

Tesla Trooper: These are much better than the Conscripts, and they can easily match up to enemy GI's. Their shock isn't as powerful as the rest of the Tesla Weapons, but these are still good at taking out infantry and light vehicles. You can also charge up a Tesla Coil with as many as three of these, giving the coil a little more power.

V3 Rocket: The V3 is also back from the previous RA. It can fire large missiles a great distance. This is a great unit to keep out of harms way, but close enough to provide cover.

Yuri: Yuri is the most powerful Phsycic the Soviet's have, and he is great at what he does. He can take over people's minds, and order enemy troops and vehicles to attack their own team. Watch out for enemy snipers and dogs. Snipers can pick off Yuri from a safe distance, and dogs love Yuri.

Desolator: The Desolator sprays radiation . He can devastate infantry and make the ground Radioactive.

Next: Most popular buildings

Of course besides the several different units that Red Alert 2 has to offer, it also offers some fantastic designed buildings.
Here's some more info on the most popular buildings (well most popular to us :-) ):

Weather Control: The newest Allied Super Weapon. After charging this for ten minutes, you can release a storm against the enemy, turning wind, rain, and lightning against them. It may not be as powerful as the Soviet Nuke, it is by far the coolest building in the game

Prism Tower: This is a great base defense, and an excellent tank stopper. It uses the energy of the sun to shoot beams of light that can devastate tanks, and infantry as well. If you build enough of these, they can link up and form a Prism Web Defense.

Ore Purifier: Although expensive, it should pay off in the long run. For every one of these that you build, your harvester brings back an extra 20% in ore. This way you can get money more quickly.

Flak Cannon: The Flak Cannon is great at defending your base from Aircraft and Enemy Missiles. Although it has a shorter range than the Allied PMS, a few of these are going to be needed in every Soviet base.

Iron Curtain: The Iron Curtain is back, and it's better than ever. Now, instead of rendering only one unit invincible, it can now make any units in a 3x3 cell (As many as 9 units!) become invincible for 45 seconds. This is going to be incredibly useful, especially if you Iron Curtain a few Apocolypse tanks.

Nuclear Reactor: The Soviet Advanced Power Plant. Sure, it gives off a lot of power, but watch out! If this blows, so will most units in the surrounding area, and after the explosion, it will leave some radiation.

Psychic Sensor: This will tell you where the Allies plan to attack next by showing where they have ordered their units to go. It will also make any spies, that come into range, go under Yuri's control

Cloning Vats: The Cloning Vats serve two main functions. One is if you capture an enemy soldier with Yuri, you can send him into here to give you the ability to build that soldier. The next one will allow you to get at least 2 guys for the price of one. Whenever you build a unit at the Barracks, another one will pop out of here, free of charge.

Nuclear Silo: Yep, it's back and it's deadlier than ever before. It is now powerful enough to destroy a small base, and after the blast it will leave radiation, killing any infantry unlucky enough to be in the surrounding area.

Sound & Sight

Red Alert 2 is a big step up in the sight and sound departments, and although this is not a game that requires flashy, innovative graphics to be successful, it still holds its own quite well.The colors are crisp and bright, and the unit movement is smooth. Flags billow in the wind, and the explosions are appropriately vibrant.

All of the sounds are rich, and they serve to pull you deeper into the game. Each of the units acknowledges your orders upon receiving them, and the explosions and gunfire sound great (especially with surround sound).
Another big bonus is a rocking soundtrack that serves its purpose in driving you in the heat of battle.


Essentially, whether you are a fan of the previous C&C titles or if you are just a fan of real-time strategy games in general, then you really owe it to yourself to buy Westwood's / EA's new RTS game, namelly Red Alert 2 and play the living crap out of it.
I would even go so far as to recommend Red Alert 2 to anyone who owns a PC and enjoys games, as it is a beautiful meld of both action and strategy that seems to hold a little something for everyone.

Well, if your parents didn't bought you a present yet for New Year's Eve, you know now what the must definitely buy!
Yes ... Red Alert 2!





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