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Rally Championship
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Attacking all the time

Rallydriving is hard. Rally Championship is almost unforgiving.
You can drive till the last drop and make your way in the top ten on a stage. But one silly mistake can end your dreams of winning the stage.
Competition is very fierce in Rally Championship, so a little mistake will push you back to 30th or 40th. It differs from Colin McRae Rally in the fact that you can't throw the car around as much as you do in CMR. In that perspective Rally Championship is all about driving sensible lines and being very neat and tidy when cornering. Stepping out to much can cause your car to hit an object and every bit of damage will count in the end.

Between stages you have only a limited amount of time to service and repair your car, without losing minutes in time penalties for leaving the service area too late. Avoiding damage is the best way to drive through a stage, but isn't always as simple. Not only are the roads you are racing on very narrow, but the length of a stage causes your concentration to lapse in the end. After some 20 gruelling stagemiles you are getting tired, even without having to cope with the G-forces a real rallydriver has to sustain.
Getting tired means that you will have problems concentrating on driving clean lines and on setting a fast time.



This is about the best you can go for if you haven't had enough practise.
Therefore it's quiet possible that you prefer to race in arcade mode. Here is the object of the game to pass all 49 contenders in the six stages you have to drive in durig a rally. The stages are the perfect mirrors of the normal stages. So instead of 36 rallystages, you can participate in 72 stages.
In arcade you can't sustain any damage and that's a good thing, because passing on these narrow roads isn't without danger of crashing.

One word of critic on this option. The behaviour of the other cars is sometimes a bit unrealistic.

When the night comes

Rally Championship has some nice nightportions. You can drive through deserted woodlands and every once in a while you pass a junction where spectators are trying to make pictures of you passing.
The flashing of the cameras is very nice and illuminates the whole area. They only problem that gets quiet annoying after some time is the fact that you feel like you are driving in a gutter.
Developer 'Magnetic Fields' has tried to make the road as narrow as in real rallying, but by doing so has created a road with borders. When you drive over these borders your car gets all jumpy and hard to control. The gutter also prevents you from sliding through fast corners. This little problem is responsible for our quotation of 87% when we rate the gameplay.

Without the gutter Rally Championship, developed by "Magnetic Fields" and publishid by "Europress/Ubi Soft" would have been a nearly perfect game, but now we will have to wait until Codemasters does better in Colin McRae Rally 2.





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