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Railroad Tycoon II
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A Map Editor?

Another thing that I greatly admire from the developers is that they have included a map editor.
With this map editor which is very easy to navigate you can make your own Railroad Tycoon levels.
Those can be imported in the game so if you have completed the several campaigns and other seperate levels you can still play new scenarios.
Like I already said, this editor is as simple as making your morning sandwich with jam. But if you should ran into trouble don't panic, just take a glimpse at the editor basics which are all well explained in the manual and you will make maps without any trouble at all.
Perhaps you will find add-on levels on other personal-sites, made by Railroad Tycoon gamers, for you to download because my guess is that many people have already bought this fantastic game so I'm positive that there will circulate custom levels on the Internet.
A very good add-on if you got bored with the many campaigns and other levels that are already present in this game.


Boring train sounds?

The sound effects in this train simulation game are outstanding!
The different engine and train sounds are excellent and they create a real good and realistic environment. Perhaps they have used the original sounds for this game. I shouldn't surprise me at all because from what I have heard, PopTop Software has done major research on the whole train-history to make Railroad Tycoon II the most realistic simulation game ever created.
With that fact, I can tell you that they have done a very fine job.
Another neat thing that I certainly have to mention is that every structure (building) is equipped with a clear sound. If you use the button to zoom in you will hear for example the cows mooing at the Dairy Farm or the lowing of the cattle at the Cattle Yard. If you zoom out you will hear different sounds blending all together. Another great sound effect is when your trains crashes. It couldn't be more realistic as that.

The music is superb in this railroad game. It isn't music with alot of bass, nag ... it a bit country music with a lot of harmonica and guitar that is blended with a lot of other music instruments. It does remind you that the time zone of this game isn't set in the near future.
This kind of music style might be odd to you when you play it the first time but I'm absolutely sure that there is no need to turn it off. It's just part of the game.

A match in Multiplayer

This game also offers like any other game the chance to beat human opponents in the Multiplayer mode.
You can battle it out on several Multiplayer options like playing by using a serial connection, a modem, by using an IPX connection over a LAN or by using a TCP/IP connection over the Internet or on a LAN. Railroad Tycoon II does it all flawlessly.
And what is more importantly if you want to play over the Internet is that this train simulation game offers free (yes FREE) play through Heat. Heat is a very good multiplayer online service where millions of people connect for free if they are in the mood for playing their favourite game in Multiplayer mode.
However, the multiplayer mode in this game can be quite fun but it can take you hours before you may cry 'Victory' and I doubt that most of us will spend hours and hours online, especially when you know that the telephone company is making a lot of profit, again. But if you got the money or if you just have an internet account for playing online-games this is certainly your game.


Railroad Tycoon II might just be the most surprising simulation game that is released this year.
It offers a lot of new features than its predecessor. Greater animation, better graphics, excellent sound effects and music, ... what do you want more?
It also has a stronger financial market system and a full editor is included for building or importing custom maps created by yourself or other people.

This game is addictive like hell and it's quite enjoyable as well. If you are very fond of simuation games or trains, you should ask your family for a present at New Years eve.
Highly recommended!

I would also like to thank 'Franz J. Felsl' from "PopTop Software" and 'Harry Miller' from "Gathering Of Developers".





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