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Quake III: Arena
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Does the game rule or not?

There won't be a minute where you'll be bored 'cause the game just rules. You'll be so addicted to it, until your mum and dad will throw away your computer and put you in a 'for-quake3-addicts' psychiatric institution, just like me.
They even had to teach me again how to act in normal live, I was so 'close' with Q3A that I played it for 72hours and I still hadn't enough of it => ADDICT.

Graphical looks everything just great, I played the game at 16-bit colors at 40 fps which is quite fast, but then I put it at 32-bit colors, and then oh yeah it looked just awesome, but the framerate didn't drop, it just stayed the same!!!
What a powerful engine, these Id-guys really think of everything, just incredible. I also saw it on my friend's pc, because he has a 17" monitor at a resolution of 1280x1024 and it just looked like 'Q3A IS IN DA HOUSE' and also the framerate didn't drop!
Whatever you do, the game plays fluent.

Even on the internet, for multiplayer, I used my 56k modem and I had a ping of about 200ms and the game still played very good. I didn't saw that I had a ping of 200ms but when I wanted to shoot somebody the gun shot after now I knew that I had a 200ms ping.
Pretty annoying, but soon I'll have cable and then I'll be playing Q3A on the fastest and biggest servers....Cable & Q3A here I come...


How someone plays

During the gameplay you hear some frightning music, which makes you think that you're in your worst nightmare.
The in-game effects sounds like in UT and are quite nice to hear, like 'one frag remaining' or 'you are tied for the first place' and some more cool sentences.
As you could expect the AI of the bots is quite of a high level, the bots make it damn difficult. Like I told before, at the easiest setting they're just running around, but once you set a higher difficulty level they'll run, but they'll run after your blood which scared the hell out of me.


Well, ehm what more do I need to say?
Just go to the store, ask for Quake III: Arena and buy it. Don't ask for the prize, just buy and play it.

Then you'll know why this game is just overruling the world.
Highly created graphics, nice designed maps, lots of action to do etc. The only thing you need to have is a good computer, a Pentium3 isn't bad and also a good Voodoo3 or RivaTNT2 or even more, a GeForce.
The engine is beautiful and that is why you need a fast pc to play it. If you have one, then you won't be able to stop playing the game, I can assure you, even on Multiplayer.

Happy gaming and don't forget: keep fraging!





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