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Need for Speed: Porsche 2000
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Earn your Living!

Need for Speed: Porsche 2000 (or NFS 5, NFS: Porsche Unleashed) has four different games in one game.
Apart from single and multiplayer games, which are both divided in plain racing and knockout racing, you can also opt for the Evolution game or for a job as factory driver.
In this last scenario you are going to earn a living driving the most exciting cars on various tracks around the world.
But first you've got to show your skills in a competition which reminds a lot of the way you've got to proof yourself as a mobdriver in Driver. You will have to slalom in a Porsche Boxter or a Porsche 930, perform a 360° spin in a Porsche 993 or even drive a old 911 through a daring portion of Corsican roads.
Groovy baby!

Spend your money

The evolution game is all about racing, earning price money and buying new cars or parts to make these cars competitive. You start off in the fifties with a 356.
By finishing in the top three of very competition you take part in, you earn money and at certain moments you have the possibility to buy a new Porsche which as just come on the market.
In the beginning of "the evolution game" you can easily win races without adding more performing parts to the car you buy out of stock. But when years go by, you will need sportsprings, competition brakes, an additional turbo or slick tyres, to keep your car competitive.
This is where you have to be cautious with spending to much money. Because taking part in every competition costs money, repairing the damage sustained in earlier races will be billed from your account and every once in a while you will have to buy a new car because your old one isn't eligible anymore in the new competition you have to take part in.

When you buy the 1978 Porsche 911 3.3 Turbo, you will also have to be careful not to overpower your car.
From that moment onwards it is possible to have a car that is so powerful that the handlingqualities of the car (even with a lot of extra parts which improve the handling of the car) can't cope with the amount of brusk power you are having under your right foot.

Tracks and cars

In the beginning you start off with four tracks and a few old and modern cars.
By finishing every competition in a certain era you will earn new tracks and you can win bonus cars.
The cars you bought in the evolution game will of course also be available in the single and multiplayer games, provided that you don't have to sell them to repair another car or to buy a car necessary for one of the more actual competitions.


The tracks are in very good Need for Speed tradition.
You see a lot of nice things while driving on the Côte d'Azur, in Corsica, through the Pyrenees or even the Schwarzwald in Germany.
Our personal favourite is without a shatter of a doubt the industrial site where you race in a deserted part of the city where you pass a brickyard, an oil refinery, old warehouses and, if you are lucky to find them, a trainstation and a steelmanufactory.


Gorgeous graphics, incredible sound-effects and great racing.
In fact, it says all there is to say about Need for Speed: Porsche 2000, which is in our opinion one of the best racing games of the recent months.

It was certainly the biggest surprise, when you put in consideration that the former NFS-games weren't that realistic and fun to drive for a simulation-enthusiast.

For us, this is the best Need for Speed game that EA ever made!





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