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Character AI

The game has good logic in the sense that you can't go everywhere in the same body.

Can just anybody walk into the White House?
Of course not, and hoodlums can't walk into research facilities (at least not without a few questions first).
This makes switching bodies at times a necessity and gives the game a hint of strategy. Then again, the most valuable weapon in the game is general chaos, in which enemies will take out each other for you.

Characters will also respond to other character types through social interaction, dancing or conversation. It can be funny as well as informational, they may point out key areas, or specific objectives.

Eye Candy

Although most of the game is eye candy, which Shiny did a great job on, there are a few extras like explosions that they could have done better on.
The best looking part of the special effects group is the posses/deposes effect and the 'maser weapon'.

Unfortunately, the character models behave oddly sometimes, causing unnatural curves on characters. Other than that, the game runs smoothly.

Sound Effects and Music

In-game sound is good.
The quality of the in game noise is slightly better than your average game. It is compatible with most sound cards, and is A3D and EAX compliant.

There is also a second CD in which all music is stored. Shiny went all out and had the tracks made by Fear Factory. The tempo and beat are excellent for the different places they are used.


Considering the time that went into the game, you would think that Shiny could deliver a game that functions properly.
The game had a lot of problems from the moment I installed it.
More, Messiah has a lot of problems with systems that Shiny didn't test the performance on. This leads to a slightly annoying process of patching the game once you get it.

Although it is compatible with a good deal of systems, you will need to patch Messiah and should also get the latest drivers for your graphics card.
Some graphic cards will not function properly without patching, other processors will lock up the game.
Thankfully the patch is relatively small.


Messiah from developer Shiny Entertainment and publisher Interplay is ... is, well, a lot of fun.
The story line is hilarious, and the characters are well done.
A few minor problems and a short gamming experience are made up for in graphics and game play. Then there are the Nuns dressed in scarcely little, which make the game a few grades above the average shooter or adventure game.

In other words, nice job Shiny!





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