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Half Life: Opposing Force
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AI and company

Though the AI hasn't changed significantly, if at all from the original, it's still good enough.
Unfortunately, with the addition of the extra soldiers that you have under your control, a new problem came up.
When a engineer is needed to cut through a door, the stiff commands allow only the follow option, which sometimes doesn't get the backup close enough to the door to realize you want it out. This makes AI backup commands a downside (nothing like SWAT 3's commands).
There are a couple of well-designed new friends and foes. There is the fat security whose name is Otis, the scientist in the white biohazard suit, the male spec ops soldiers, and a few new enemies from another world.

The best addition though is Otis, who occasionally adds in comments like "Poor bastards" when a security guard and a scientist are killed by a mysterious creature.


Guns, guns and more Bugs?

The original Half Life had some cool weapons, and a unique weapon categorizing method. It's back in Op For.
Except now there are 7 categories instead of the original's 5, and there are a few new weapons.
I don't want to really spoil anything, but all of the original's weapons are back. There are also a few new alien weapons, my favorite is the creature in which you feed it explosive alien material, and it can spit it back out, or spend it bouncing around like a possessed tennis ball.

Graphics and Sound

As the previous did, Half Life: Opposing Force supports 3D acceleration. It's capable of using D3D or OpenGL.
Since I have a GeForce 256 card, I had to use OpenGL. Even running the game at it's highest resolution, 1280x960, there were no slowdowns (except when experiencing 30 trip-bombs going off at the same time).
With 3D acceleration, certain affects are put in that you wouldn't get otherwise.

Sound in the game is awesome, from the sounds of the MP5 and the M-249 SAW to the sound of an alien being vaporized and a scientist falling to his doom (sounds can get gruesome). Another part of the game is the brief audio strips, though only a few, they are well worth it. Their beat is quick, and well fits the parts of the game they get played during.
Unfortunately, there aren't enough, but I suppose quality is better than quantity. The fact that Op For also supports A3D and EAX sound only makes the game sound better.
Nothing more satisfying than hearing a Spec Ops female soldier gasp as you hear her sneaking up on you, and get the drop on her! It also helps with finding those pesky snipers' camouflaged perches.


Overall Gameplay

The game is never boring, even though sometimes frustrating, but never boring.
The excellently done enemies, story line, weapons and traps make it a best seller, top stock in its class.
With its predecessor ranking so highly, Gearbox pulled it off and made Half Life: Opposing Force deserve its inherited fame. The game is full of surprises for beginning to end.
My only question that remains is, who would win in an all out, fight, Adrian Shephard or Gordon Freeman. The only down side to the game is the length of the game. Even if the game took me a lifetime to complete, I would still complain.

Still, the game was definitely too short, even though it was more complex. It was not as long as the first.


This game is everything the original was and a bag of ammo.
If you liked the original, go out and get this one. If you've never heard of Half Life, go out and get it, and then get this update, Half Life: Opposing Force.

If you didn't like Half Life, not because it was to gory, violent or action packed or not enough of gore, violence or action, go out and give Opposing Force a try.





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