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Ground Control
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Enemy AI

Ground Control has a decent AI. It isn't anything revolutionary, and it isn't anything bad, it just isn't new.
The units will attack you on site most of the time, but on occasion, they will bait you into a trap or ambush. They use the terrain to their defense most of the time, especially in base building, but that is more level design than AI.

As long as you use the right units to combat, they pose little threat.
Say the enemy has a very heavy attack tank (Teradyne), and you have infantry and an air force. The Teradyne will make fodder out of the infantry with its double cannons, and is impenetrable to small arms fire from the front.
On the other hand, it is so large and bulky that it cannot fire at the fast and maneuverable aerodynes (attack planes). They can leisurely drop bombs on the tank, keeping themselves safe, and saving your infantry a whole world of hurt.



The game sound is just 'awesome'.
Very few games sound like "real war". Ground Control is one of them. From the automatic fire from your infantry to the explosion of tanks shells nearby, to the rockets soaring in the air, it doesn't get any better than this.
Its symmetry to the real sounds of warfare is so frighteningly close that the game is the best you will ever get to war, except for tapes of Bosnia, Kosovo, and Iran.

Point of View and Landscape

Even though the sound was great, nothing can prepare you for the visuals.
The visuals are incredible. Some screens are so breath taking, you can forget the battle, and watch the scenery. The game is completely 3D, much like Sierra's "Homeworld".

Unlike Homeworld, Ground Control has far more detail. Units have more polygons, there are more particles and sprites, and everything has a more realistic look and feel.
Textures are incredible. Mountain can go from a jungle at the base to a frosty peak. The combat is best described as a fireworks show. Instead of going to watch the forth of July, play Ground Control!
Even unit movement looks great with dust clouds and tracks cause by vehicles.

The player's point of view can be taken from any angle. The camera is a free-floating body that you control. The game is power by OpenGL or Direct 3D.
With a very powerful system, you can play the game with a maximum view distance, which is really cool, but uses a lot of horse-power.



Ground Control is a lot of fun to play with your friends. It supports TCP/IP and LAN. (Whatever happened to modem dialup?)
The maps are mostly new, but all of them are really cool. Well designed for multiplayer, you can team up with buddies or kick each other's butts in a giant, awesome looking free for all.
Maps are also designed with a feel of other games that can be played with them. One map has one giant hill in the middle, which could be used for a king of the hill type experience.


Ground Control from developer "Massive Entertainment" and publisher "Sierra" is one of the best RTS games I have ever played. It is definitely worth the time and effort Massive Entertainment put into it. They did a nice job, and properly finished the product.
It has a normal replay value. The missions are the same each time. Even still, they can be replayed a few times before they get boring. The multiplayer capability really adds to the game's life, leaving a lot of fun for real opponents.

If you like RTS games of any kind, Ground Control is for you.
If you like shooters, Ground Control is a good choice.
If you like instant classics, Ground Control is there.

What I really mean is ... just buy Ground Control and you won't be disappointed at all!





Music & Sfx:


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