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Conquest Earth
Page 3

Graphics, nice but thats about it!

Graphicly the game looks not bad but not excellent either. I expected a bit more from the '65,000 colour high resolution graphics with realistic lightning effects, stunning explosions and more'.
Colours are so mistical chosen and it gives a pretty new dimension when you play! The buildings, especially from Alien side are just fantastic! Highly sophisticated and briljantly coloured and animated!
When you blow up aliens, buildings or anything else it is well drawn! Sometimes it kind of reminded me that I was playing a 3D game. Yes, even big explosions when blowing up a building are very very neat! Soldiers, aliens, buildings and any other decoration are well drawn but the scenery looks a bit ordinary to me.

The Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence of the creatures in a strategy game is always very important. Well, humans and aliens aren't coming from a very intelligent planet because their AI is below zero in this game. Below zero! Even when aliens are blasting their guns off on your buildings or are attacking one of your units, normally your unit will react and attack the enemy. Not in CE, your units will stand there like nothing is happening.
While your troops are killed brutally, your other troops are happily waiting for some action. You have to click and point on them everytime something happens. Be quick or you will lose lots of precious soldiers/crafts.

A crappy Interface, Sir!

Another big mistake that D.D.I. did with this game is the Interface. It just isn't a interface at all. The way they represent the interface and I am talking about the Alien one may be gorgeous to look at but in fact it is a bitch to work with. Let me explain myself.
On Human side you must press the 'space bar' if you want that the interface pops up onto the screen. Press the space bar is like 'hold' the space bar because when you release it, say bye-bye interface. No problem you would say, but do not forget that you mouse is also needed. Mouse is needed to place the building or build something else while you are holding the space bar. You don't have 2 left hands or 2 right hands.. I wish I had on that moment.
The Alien interface just requires you to press some buttons so no bitching with that damn space bar. Still, those alien buttons are so alien that it is impossible to tell what they may represent. Of course there are keyboard-shortcuts but not for every move.

Still, music is awesome

The music in Conquest Earth is awesome!! Data design Interactive has acquired EAT STATIC! I never heard of this band until I heard them in this game. This band does house/ambient and their music is pretty good.
But does it has to be in this game? Well, not quite. The music is good but it doesn't fit into CE. I mean, okay you play against or with Aliens which is a futuristic theme but I rather have an other music-theme then continuesly house-music in a real time strategy game.


Conquest Earth is a new RTS-game from the guys at Data Design Interactive. It features some original ideas and has 'some' good-looking graphics and animations.
Still, the game has definitely flaws on gameplay and interface. Not to mention the immense HD space that you will have to set free for JUST an strategy game.
Music is great but not all the time in this genre.It could have been better if more work has putted into it. Longetivity in CE is good because you have enormous battles (around 30 and others).
Oh yeah, let me assure you that the AI in this strategy game is below 'zero'. Some people will like it but if I would you I wait for some other RTS games that are coming soon.





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