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Conquest Earth
Developer: Data Design Interactive
Publisher: Eidos Interactive
Category: Real Time Strategy System Req: P166, 32Mb Ram, 212Mb HD, Win95 or MSDOSv5.x
Might look like: ? Date posted: 25 april '98 Written By: Bjorn
- This game was tested on P166, 32mb Ram, Voodoo Graphics, Win95 -
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A little Introduction
History: in December 1997 the NASA space probe Galileo ended its long mission by plunging into the atmosphere of the great gas giant, Jupiter. Thousands of anxious scientists back on earth eagerly awaited the mass of data that Galileo has been collating and was about to transmit. Monumental discoveries about this now-believed inhabitable world were about to be made.
However, they were not the only scientists patiently recording this probe's movements and making their own discoveries. The scientists on Jupiter were even more surprised by this intrusion into their tranquil world. This probe was of a substance and thyp that was Totally Alien, to them. It was solid, hard and rigid, quite unlike their usual Gaseous, Morphing Creations. Their previously sacred scientific theories on life were suddenly shattered, a new life form was discovered and in their own solar system, SOL³, it now appears, was infested with a Destructive and Aggressive life form who, having wasted nearly all of its own planets Natural Resources, were now planning to plunder Jupiter's rich Hydrogen Reserves.
The council of Elders met and what became known as the 'Genocide Vote' was passed. Under the banner 'Retaliate first', plans for the total destruction of every human form and the conversion of earth into a sulphur based habitable planet were drawn up, and the conquest of earth has begun in earnest.
The Manual
The manual of Conquest Earth is about 65 pages. Well illustrated with full color photos explaining most of the game. There is even a full detailed look on the Humans and Aliens. Even Buildings, Vehicles and different Soldiers are well explained. If you don't know how to operate this game, just check the index in the manual and you will be up reading in seconds. This manual is one of its kind. All manuals should be like this one. Carefully written, full explanation of the game with storyline, in-depth images of the humans and aliens. The negative point is that the manual is a bit 'Too Big'. When you have bought this game, you won't read it because it is so huge in size. But when you play CE, I can assure you that you will automatically use it because there will be lots of things that you won't understand at all. Talk about a complex game.
So, before installing the game, take 30 mins of your spare time and use it to read the manual. When done, thy shall understand the game functions completely (normally)!
Installation ... minimum 212Mb!
The aim of Conquest Earth (CE) is to save planet Earth from the Jovian Hordes (the aliens that is), and send them back to Jupiter, whilst trying to keep as many of the current population alive as possible. 'Real Time Strategy' game based on protecting the Earth from Alien Forces that wants to conquer it'. Does this sounds original to you? I don't think so.
The Installation Program in CE is really a pain in the ass because like I mentioned before, this game needs around 212 HD Space. This is the lowest installation that you can choose. This means that you will need a big HD for installing this game. I don't think that you will only have CE on your hard disc right? Other programs (ofcourse your OS) and games will eat little space. I think that those "Data Design fellows" thought that the gamer just will have 1 particulary game on its system! Anyway gamers with extra-extra large HD's won't complain.
First of all, the installation and game is fully Multi-Language. It has been a while since I have seen this feature again. This means if you speak English, French, Spanish or even Italien, no problem, you will understand everything they say and write! A pity that the manual is just in english! Why put a Multi-Language installation if the manual is just in plain english? Well if it should be also M-L, I guess that it would be a lot more then just 65 pages and please God, spare us from that! CE needs approximately 269 mb of your precious Hard Disc or you can choose for that other installation option. Quite nice that they included that as well
but it is still 209 mb and it is even not a custom one!
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