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Colin McRae Rally
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Gimme that Blue Subaru Impreza!

Ok, installation done. Now we can run this baby. After seeing a very neat intro from the car that Colin drives with, a blue Subaru Impreza, we move to the game menu.
There you have several race types to choose from. There is the race option. More like the single player in other games where you just race alone. We have also the, guess what, the 2 player option. In the 2 player mode, there is a significant difference. Three more options are popping up : 2-player split, 2-player alternate and 2-player arcade. Sounds like fun!
Of course we have a Championship mode and a time-trial is also included.

Colin McRae Rally has also 3 difficulty modes. In Novice, you can just select the front-wheel cars which have a smaller wheelbase then the 4wd's, lower bhp and are easier too control.
In Intermediate, you then have access to the 4 wheel drive cars which are just gorgeous to drive with and too look at. This game has several cars included such as the Mitsubishi Lancer E4 which has 4wd, has a 300 bph and a wheelbase of 2500mm. There is also the Toyota Corolla WRC, Ford Escort WRC and oh, Colin's car, the Subaru Impreza is also here.
Other cars can be unlocked if you win races in other coutries. Those cars that are locked are very impressive. You have the Renault Maxi Megane, the Seat Ibiza Kit Car EVO2 (don't know what that last one really means but, hey ... I'm not a specialist either), the VW Golf GTI (ahh I love this car) Kit Car and the Skoda Felecia Kit car. All very good rally cars that are also extremely different.

If you think that every car drives the same way, think again because in this rally game, every car is different, plays different and of course looks different.
What I'm talking about is that the acceleration, brakes, gears, etc ... vary from car too car. And that is where the fun begins. You never know how a car will react if you have played several hours with just 1 car.
This rally game has also several car camera angles. Like in the cockpit, behind the car, bumper view and more. It's all here, baby. Try to use the cockpit cam, it does work and you don't need a Voodoo2 for that (got the hint?).


The game takes you everywhere!

From very impressive cars to very impressive tracks.
Colin McRae Rally takes you on a race from New Zealand, makes some stops at Greece, Monte Carlo, Australia, Sweden, Corsica, Indonesia and ends with the UK. Each track has also 6 different stages. For example, New Zealand takes you on the rolling hills and farmland with a loose gravel surface. And it might rain too.
They are all awesome and some are longer then others. All the tracks I played are also very detailed and Codemasters have put alot of work in designing them. You can tell.
But it isn't really perfect. I have some little negative points about the tracks but I discuss that when I talk about the graphics in general.
What I also liked in this game is that the weather conditions changes (alot). Racing in a clear environment is always safer then in a cloudy rainy snowy stormy and foggy race, you know? And racing at night, well you just don't see much and this makes it even more exciting. You really have to focus on the road.

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