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Chaos Island
Jurassic Park: The Lost World

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Play with Dinosaurs!

A new and improved thing, that some people will buy this game for, is that you can actually play with Dinosaurs. With DINOSAURS you say? Yes, you have read that correctly.
After setting up a camp and a tent with the supplies you have and may find on the territory, you can also put up a hatchery. So when you grab an egg from a Dinosaurs nest you can hatch it and you will have your very own Dinosaur. Cool.
This is very neat when you want that they do certain tasks that are almost impossible for humans to do. With this feature on, you can play with for example a Dilophosaurus, a Parasaurolophus, even later with the mean machine, the T-Rex and other Nasty Evil Big Dinosaurs.

Again, a only-Dinosaur game would be a bit boring so the developers knew that as well and have placed some Hunters on track that are Trapping & Killing Dinosaurs and it is your task to stop them as quickly as possible!

Scanned Textures?

On the graphics side it all looks nice, for a RTS game that is. Nothing is 3D-Accelerated because it isn't really needed.
Some of the scenery is pretty good displayed and is very well drawn, it is like they have scanned textures of real rocks and trees and placed it in the game with a good result! The dinosaurs doesn't look really scary to me and a bit more detail on them would do no harm. Later in the game, as usual, you can build other structures, upgrade your team, have more Dinosaurs at your command and lots more. The basics of every RTS-game I would say.
The scenery where everything happens is on your screen very small because you have also a map on the right side which indicates everything that moves. The map has Color Coding. Every color has an different code which is used for an easy identification. For example Yellow dots shows the positions of the supplies and eggs. The Red dots shows the locations of Hunters. For Dinosaurs you can put them in 2 different types. The White dots are for Dinos that are Wild and Blue is for Friendly ones.

Herbivores and Carnivores, ehm?

Herbivores (vegi-eaters) and Carnivores (meat-eaters) both roam the island. When the game begins they are all wild and potentially agressive when they encounter your human explorers and hunters.

You, playing the role of the explorers have perfected artificial nest technology and can gather and hatch various species of Dinosaur Eggs into full-grown dinosaurs. Friendly dinosaurs will not harm you and your explorers or their buildings and will actually perform many useful functions.
Herbivores can be directed to eat plants to clear the landscape for building or path construction.
The Carnivores on the other hand also destroys or attacks buildings and fight other dinosaurs. Other Dinos like Pachys, Stegasaurs and Triceratops can also be directed to fight Hunters and their Vehicles. Carnivores can attack Hunters and are useful as fighters and guards, but cannot clear landscapes. This is very useful to know what kind of Dino you shall use at a specific time.

Before you are thrown into a new level, you will see a computer screen from Gen. Gen is the firm that supports your fundings and you hear and see interesting things that may help you in succeeding your way up and in completing the level.


My conclusion is that Chaos Island is a pretty good RTS-game that will give you lots of fun if you like the Jurassic Park movies or if you are just interested in Dinos. If not, I think that you will only be pleased with the fact that it shall ticker your brain.

Graphics are good for this type of game. After a few hours of intensive play, I got a bit bored. Perhaps I wasn't in good shape for playing or I just didn't like that particular level. I do not know.
One thing that is excellent is the Speech in this game. Why? Well because Dream Works Interactive has managed to get the real actors/actrices voices from the second J.P movie into this game. They manage that because the company that developed this game is in fact the same one that made the J.P. movies.
Magic right?





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