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Blood II: The Chosen
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The weapons are awesome ! They are even better than in Half-Life and Unreal. In the single player game you can collect up to twenty different weapons, you can only use ten at a time. But if you already have ten weapons and you find another one that you want, you can drop a weapon and pick up the other one.
You can even carry two of the same weapons in each hand (Akimbo) and there is an alternate fire mode (you can only use this when you hold just one weapon).

One of my favourite weapons was the .50 BMG Sniper Rifle. It is an extremely deadly weapon, by using the alt-fire button you can zoom into your target. Another cool and deadly tool of destruction is the Vulcan Canon. It has to warm up for a second but once it is shooting it's a real killerbeast. It shoots four bullets at once at an insane rate of speed. Let it rip :)


A big Ass Enemy!

There is not much to say about the population of Blood 2. They are very good animated and there is a good variety of them.
You can talk to some of the innocent people that are populating the streets of Blood, but most of them are always begging for mercy or something. The enemies are well placed troughout the the levels, but they have the bad habbit to stay inactive even when you shoot them. What brings me to my next topic, the AI.

Artificial Intelligence and Bugs

Well I have to say that the AI is not too bad, but it does have some minor problems.
For example, I walked into a room and I saw some enemies a bit furthe. The enemies were not moving, I began to shoot and what happens……nothing, they still stood there waiting for an enemy. But for the rest it does a pretty good job. In the later levels the AI will make it very difficult for you, even when you are an expert you can better choose for an easier level.
Another problem are the bugs. I ran into a room and suddenly a monster jumped on my head without my notice. I shot all the other monsters in the room, but I was still losing life. It took a few seconds before I noticed he was above me. All this is not very bad, but the guys of Monolith could have fixed this before they released the game. It was one of the first things I noticed in Blood 2 and I wonder why they didn't see it when they were testing the game.
But then again ... this seems to be a regular problem with all game developers these days, unfortunately.


Only D3D?

All major 3D cards (3DFX, Nvidia, Matrox, ...) are supported.
However, Blood 2 only supports Software and Direct 3D renderer and the resolution goes from 320x200x16 up to 1024x768x16. It's strange that they didn't support 3Dfx Glide or OpenGL because nowadays every game suports it.
Okay, I have to admit that it looks very good in D3D but it could have been a lot better.
Some locations in Blood 2 are dropdead gorgeous. Thanks to the LithTech engine, Monolith created some nice looking levels. Especialy the Cathedral and the elevator of the Cabalco building, where you have a magnificent view.

But most of the time you walk around in a sort of cityscape. Blood 2 has a nice atmosphere thanks to the nice soundtrack (but sometimes it will get annoying) and good soundeffects.


Bloodbath is the name they gave to the Multiplayer game.
Blood 2 has fourteen deathmatch levels, there are some sections of the single-player game and some of the levels are based on deathmatch levels of Blood 1.
The Deathmatch arena's are well designed and there is a good variety. A nice thing is that everyone starts with all his 10 weapons, you only have to search for ammo and power-ups. A multiplayer game in Blood 2 is very intense and addictive.
There is one problem, playing on the Internet sucks. It's hardly playable and I hope Monolith will make it work properly one of these days.


The guys at Monolith certainly did their best with the level design and the enemies are looking good as well.
They were very succesful in their efforts to make it a dark and violent game. But there is almost no interaction in the game, sometimes you can answer a phone or you can blow holes in the walls, but your generally just looking for the key and blasting your way to the next level.

Blood 2: The Chosen is a nice game to play for a little while, but if you are looking for a really good 3D-shoot'em up I would go for Half Life or Unreal.


A patch for this game has been released that fixes serious things.
More info on the Official Homepage.




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