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Exclusive Images Guillemots GeForce256 card The 3D Prophet Date posted: 8 October '99 Written By: Bjorn
The 3D Prophet
As you know by now, GeForce256 cards will be popping up very soon @ your local hardware store and several companies already have announced a special version of the standard 'GeForce256' card, which is the 'GeForce 256 DDR. DDR stands for 'Double Data Ram' and normally it will give you twice (2x) the performance of SDR (Single Data Ram). SDR which will be used on the upcoming standard GeForce256 cards and there will be no 'Ultra version' Right now, as of October 9th, only 2 companies have announced special DDR versions of their GeForce256 cards, which are 'Guillemot' and 'Creative Labs' but normally, more will follow (hopefully) like Elsa, Asus and others.
Most of the GeForce256 cards will show up mid or end October this year and our source over @ Guillemot told us that they'll release their GF256 card, The 3D Prophet by the end of October. They'll produce a DDR version of this card, whether it will be dual-cooled, we do not know at this moment but we can say that their card will be clocked higher (in clock and memory) than the normal standard GeForce256 specs.
And this article is all about Guillemots new card. We recieved, of course from our very close source over @ Guillemot, some very nice (and exclusive!) images of their upcoming GeForce256, The 3D Prophet
Enjoy these fine images and stay tuned for a very in-depth review of Guillemots 3D Prophet and/or their DDR version.
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